Wednesday, January 8, 2020

Virginia Trump Swing District Democrat Congresswomen Facing Election Backlash 2020: Exposed by Gun Sanctuary Movement

In the months ahead it is important to prepare for the November elections to come. While Virginians wrestle with the legislation being passed by the General Assembly during the 2020 Legislative Session, it is important to  begin to look at the Congressional races on the immediate horizon.

We now also have the latest Iranian events that appear to have aligned Democrats with Iran against the President. As surreal as that sounds, we now see how deep the level of partisanship goes with many in Congress with a refusal this morning to condemn Iran for firing missiles from their own soil into a neighboring sovereign Iraq.

This is not new with Democrats. The Virginia Congressional Delegation has refused to condemn Hamas in Gaza backed by Iran for firing rockets into Israel routinely. Two Congresswomen on the hot seat in Virginia are Rep. Abigail Spanberger and Rep. Elaine Luria in large part because both have government or military backgrounds but refuse to support the President and the targeting and ultimate killing of the biggest terrorist in the post Bin Laden world.

Like many political opportunists in Congress, these two Congresswomen have not condemned the Iranians for the missile attack into Iraq or any of the rocket attacks into Israel as "acts of war" yet appear to support the Progressive media that the authorization of Trump to strike a terror target is an "act of war" or aggression. How is it these leaders are quick to condemn their own President before terrorists and the Iranian regime that backs them?

Iran has long waged proxy wars against the United States using terror affiliates like Hamas and Hezbollah and yet far too many Democrats refuse to condemn these affiliates. Congresswomen like Rashida Tlaib and Ilhan Omar have stated support for Palestinians and have failed to condemn a single attack by either affiliate on Israel. Both came under criticism for their continual anti-Israel and anti-semitic tweets in 2019.

Rep. Abigail Spanberger (D) and Rep. Elaine Luria (D) won victories in 2018 in Virginia swing districts. Both the Virginia 7th and Virginia 2d were won by President Trump and both have very large veteran and active military populations. This cannot be understated given recent events and escalation of hostilities directed towards our military. Both have joined Rashida Tlaib and Ilhan Omar in their opposition to supporting Western allies involved in the Yemen conflict and have signed on to legislation to prevent the Unites States from assisting our allies in Yemen with either military aid or intelligence.

Democrats rationale for not supporting our allies in the fight against radical Islamic extremism in Yemen is that the use of military aid and intelligence for targeting the Houthi rebels that removed the legitimate government in Yemen qualifies under the 1973 War Powers Resolution and must have Congressional approval. Democrats like Spanberger have spoken to the Yemen conflict but conflate the fact that both Houthi elements and Iranian backed affiliates associated with Al Qaeda. She and other Democrats characterize Yemen as one of our "allies war" but not an American conflict and yet the fact remains Yemen in an extension of our war on terror given there are elements of both Al Qaeda and ISIS using Yemen as a training ground and fighting there backed by Iran.

The "war powers" is the same argument many Democrats are using this week regarding the U.S. drone attack that killed terrorist Soleimani in Baghdad last Friday declaring that Congressional approval should have been sought before action was undertaken.

The question remains would Democrats have supported the strike had they been informed? If not, what would have been the justification given President Obama identified Soleimani as a top terrorist that has had a hand in the deaths of hundreds of Americans and thousands of Iraqi.

                                                 (Rep. Abigail Spanberger (D) VA07)

Abigail Spanberger defeated incumbent Dave Brat (R) 50.34 to 48.40. 1.21% of the vote also went to a third party candidate in the race. In the upcoming Republican convention scheduled for the 7th to nominate a challenger for Spanberger there are already six confirmed candidates.

The following candidates have declared for the Republican Convention for the #VA07:

Tina Ramirez
John McGuire  (Delegate House District 56)
Pete Greenwald
Andrew Knaggs
Jason Roberge
Nick Freitas (Delegate House District 30)

Luria defeated incumbent Republican Scott Taylor in 2018 51.05 to 48.81. Luria currently has three potential challengers that are running for the Republican nomination. Taylor had originally declared to run for US Senate against Mark Warner (D)  but has since withdrawn and is now planning to seek re-election to his previous seat in the House.

The following candidates are seeking the Republican nomination in #VA02:

Scott Taylor
Andy Baan
Ben Loyola Jr.
Jarome Bell

Given both Spanberger and Luria won in Trump districts is now very problematic for them.

                                                          (Rep. Elaine Luria (D) VA02)

Both support impeachment and wrote an op ed in the Washington Post that many claim was coordinated with Speaker Nancy Pelosi as she authorized the impeachment inquiry soon after the op ed ran. Insiders have spoken to the fact that the op ed provided Pelosi with political cover to initiate the inquiry process.

Spanberger promised voters she would be an independent check on Trump and she often states that she is in Congress to "serve the people of Virginia". Yet many have argued that Spanberger has served her Party and Nancy Pelosi over that of the will of most Virginians in the VA07. Spanberger's position on impeachment and gun control leave her in direct conflict with her constituents living outside suburban Richmond.

In fact, every county in the VA07 has supported the #2AStrong Gun Sanctuary Movement to affirm the U.S. Constitution's Second Amendment except the very two and only two localities Spanberger won outright in 2018. Chesterfield County where Spanberger won by 9 points and Henrico County where she won by 18 points have yet to endorse a gun sanctuary resolution. The other 8 counties have all endorsed the gun sanctuary movement.

Chesterfield and Henrico represent a significant amount of the voting population in the #VA07. The both are growing suburban counties outside Richmond, Virginia. Roughly 124,000 of the 176,079 votes in support of Spanberger came from these two localities.

Spanberger has stated she is ALL IN on gun control. It is clear that while Spanberger will not be voting in Richmond this month, she is in complete support of the Northam gun ban legislation  being proposed in the General Assembly and has not released a single public statement in support of gun sanctuary counties in the VA07 that have affirmed resolution to support the Second Amendment.

This fact is what leaves many voters questioning Rep. Spanberger's integrity. She informed voters at a town hall she was a supporter of the second amendment yet has released no public statements od support for #2AStrong nor has come out against the Progressive gun legislation in Richmond that certainly violates the U,S. Constitution she claims to support.

During a recent town hall meeting, Spanberger asked constituent Michael Berry "what he used his assault style weapon for and if he hunted with it" after being prompt with second amendment questions. This question alone says everything one needs to know about Rep. Spanberger's current position on gun control.

Firstly, there is no such thing as "assault style" firearms. Its is a made up "code word" by Progressives and having worked in law enforcement as a federal agent Spanberger knows this. The phrasing as worked for Everytown for Gun Safety in its messaging as it funded numerous Virginia Assembly campaigns in 2019 and now are demanding payment for their donations.

The #quidproquo has come due for the Democrat Assembly in Richmond.

Second, whose business it is what a law abiding citizen does with their property? Guns are in fact personal property in truth and we all share the right to possess them and whether we hunt or target shoot is no ones business let alone the governments. And yes, Rep. Spanberger represents the government in her capacity as a Representative.

While platitudes of support for the second amendment may matter to some and be great on the campaign trail the truth is in the very questions Spanberger posed to Michael Berry. Spanberger implied at the town hall that one does not need an "assault style" weapon let alone use it for hunting. It is clear she supports the banning of any firearm the Democrats "classify" as "assault-style". Important to note they rarely are willing to define just what that classification is.

Neither Spanberger nor Elaine Luria has been reported to have attended a single "gun sanctuary" meeting or met with advocates for the movement. Political advocates for the movement like Nick Freitas (R) and John McGuire (R) both veterans came under tweeter attack last Fall by Spanberger campaign associates as reported by American Thinker and Richmond Times Dispatch. This is not the first time that individuals associated with Spanberger have tweet attacked her opposition.

Potential challengers to Spanberger and Luria have attended local gun sanctuary resolution meetings. All of Elaine Luria's potential challengers attended the recent Virginia Beach City meeting. Spanberger and Luria joined Jennifer Wexton another Virginia Democrat representing the VA10 Congressional District in supported the Progressive gun control measure House Bill 8 in 2019.

Bipartisan Background Checks Act of 2019 This bill establishes new background check requirements for firearm transfers between private parties (i.e., unlicensed individuals). Specifically, it prohibits a firearm transfer between private parties unless a licensed gun dealer, manufacturer, or importer first takes possession of the firearm to conduct a background check. 

It is clear that both Rep. Spanberger and Rep. Luria seek gun restrictions legislation and increased gun regulations upon law abiding citizens with no solutions to address illegal gun possessions in the hands of criminals nor the violence that those criminals commit with firearms.

Resources: › local › virginia-politics › 2019/09/24  (impeachment) › local › virginia-politics › 2019/09/12  (gun control)

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1 comment:

  1. It is important to the citizens of this state to be able to defend themselves against criminals, both foreign and domestic. As our representatives in the House it is their responsibility to vote as the citizens express themselves. Considering that the Chesterfield County Board and other counties and independent cities have voted to support the 2nd Amendment I see that as a very strong imperative to vote accordingly. They need to respond that they are supporting this mandate from the people and that they support the Constitution of the United States which they affirmed when they took their Oath of Office.
