Friday, January 17, 2020

The Strategy of Political Targeting: Virginia Democrats

The current situation in Richmond, Virginia is tenious at best. Virginia Governor Ralph Northam (D) raised alarm bells this week with claims of planned "drone attacks" on the State Capital and armed insurrection at the Capital grounds by gun owners from Virginia and beyond.

Governor Northam (D) has declared a "state of emergency" for the State Capital and the grounds surrounding the Capital in response to a planned, permitted protest rally and annual Lobby Day scheduled by the Virginia Civil Defense League. Previous rallies and lob by days by the VCDL have gone without incident at the Capital for years. Its the annual lobby effort for supporters of the Second Amendment in Virginia.

Governor Northam with the assistance of the General Assembly have used their new majority and control of the body as a sword against all Virginians. Virginia Progressives used a Joint Rules Committee to enact a gun ban at the State Capital initially last Friday that represented but ten percent of the entire body of elected officials in the Assembly. In fact, a majority on the JRC are from districts in Northern Virginia.

The lack of clear fairness and equal appropriation of Chairs on committee is yet another example of how tyrannical this new majority  truly is. All major committees are headed by officials from but one region of the Commonwealth; Northern Virginia. The Valley and Southwest Virginia is hardly represented in this Assembly in any leadership role or capacity. The JRC merely was the first example of how this new majority intends to "lead" Virginia.

Long the "opposition" Party in Virginia, the Democrats secured majority last November by two seats in the Senate and ten seats in the House. The Senate seats will not be up for election until 2023 while the House of Delegates will be back on the ballot along with the Governorship in 2021. This is not lost on the thousands of voters that plan to attend the rally in Richmond on Monday and should not be lost on the elected officials.

Northam declared his "state of emergency" thus creating a situation where the media continues the narrative that gun owners are "dangerous", "threatening" and not peaceful protesters. Northam and the Democrats have never made such claims regarding the "Pink Hats" or any of the Women's Marches for Equal Rights or Pro Choice rallies or even the recent "Monumental Lies" rally last week at the State Capital but these of course all ALL liberal causes if not Progressive ones.

So why are Virginia Democrats sending the message that Virginia gun owners are "extremists" linking law aiding citizens to the events that transpired in Charlottesville in 2017 that did not even involve Second Amendment groups. In fairness to the Governor, maybe his predecessor's inaction in 2017 that resulted in the death of one citizen is why he his going to rather insidious means to shut down the State Capital area to protesters. After all, former Governor Terry McAuliffe who many think will plan to run for Virginia Governor again in 2021 clearly was warned of possible issues tied to the rallies in Charlottesville but did little to reinforce law enforcement presence. Many have argued  McAuliffe knew the dangers and yet took a political posture regarding the event that many believe he though would  benefit his own agendas.

Shortly after the rally in Charlottesville in 2017, Governor McAuliffe declared his own "emergency" and ordered a gun ban at the Confederate Lee Monument in the City of Richmond. Northam's ban however, is a bit more extreme in nature covering virtually all of the Capital grounds and buildings even for licensed conceal carry Virginians.

There is no evidence to suggest that has been revealed that there is any legitimate threat to the safety of the Governor or the Assembly. Northam has claimed that it is "out of sate" agitators yet his Party had little problem endorsing the out of state buses  bringing thousands to Charlottesville in 2017 to protest against those that were rallying there. Those "out of state" ANTIFA groups who have a history of violence, including Virginia U.S. Senator Tim Kaine's son who was arrested for his participations with ANTIFA. Did Democrats condemn ANTIFA groups? Did they declare them as "dangerous"?

What about the Women's March with speakers and leaders clearly associated with anti-semitic and Anti-Israel ties? Were these rallies characterized in the same manner as gun rights advocates? Were not these leaders inciting hate and violence towards Jews and the State of Israel? Demanding Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions against Israel? The hypocrisy of this majority is striking even considering there are many of Virginia elected officials who are Jewish that have failed to condemn these statement and actions from these pro "progressive" groups that assault Jewish communities.

"Moms Demand Action" and "Everytown for Gun Safety" have agitated and provoked gun rights citizens for the last year via social media and publicly at campaign rallies and public town halls yielding wild assertions and yet Democrats have remained silent. Now that gun rights supporters feel the need to lobby its legislature this is how the Virginia Assembly responds.

The General Assembly and Governor respond by attempting to make the right to exercise free speech and the right to assemble and protest extremely difficult. The implemented rules by the JRC have caused massive delays to enter the Capital all week for staff and legislators due to there Capital Gun Ban.

In terms of Lobby Day, this actions was entered to prevent the majority from entering the Capital to visit with officials. The Democrats understand that there gun control legislation is opposed by millions of Virginians and the fastest growing segment of gun sales is women. A group that Democrats continually profess to support.

In truth, Virginia Democrats are advancing legislation that makes women less safe. The sexual violence committed against women is a significant issue and yet Democrats ignore the data and continue to move towards making it virtually impossible for Virginia women to defend themselves.

The continued narrative being advanced that pro Second Amendment supporters are the mirror image of the Unite the Right rally is not only false but ignorant of the facts. The rally on Monday will comprise Virginians from all backgrounds and political positions, including many rural Democrats. The 2A gun sanctuary movement has no similarity or relationship to "white supremacist" or "neo nazi" groups as portrayed by the Virginia Democrats.

This narrative is simply a means to defuse the 2A movement and its success. The leftists seek to label and ridicule participants of the movement with the usual code words they implore relating to other issues. It simply will not stand if the rally is covered with integrity. A third of the supporters for gun rights are African American. Will Virginia Democrats make the claim that the rally is a a racist rally of extremists when a third of rally is minority groups including African Americans and women?

The question really is will the media permit them to do so?

Democrats have demonstrated they oppose any "militia" and yet that is exactly what the U.S. Constitution and Virginia Constitution endorse. Does not a "militia" have a right to form on public property? Does such formation equate to violence?

Northam and the Virginia Democrats are clearly targeting political opposition with its measures. Its a strategy they have formulated to attempt to undermine the movement that as seen over 100 Virginia localities offer resolutions for the establishment of "gun sanctuaries" for those that wish to keep and bear arms. This movement Democrats perceive as a direct threat to their agenda for the Commonwealth and this is the reason and the ONLY reason such measures are being taken at the State Capital.

It is the Democrats hope that the rally on Monday is the end of it for gun advocates. That they will pack up late Monday afternoon and go away. It remains to be seen whether that will in fact be the case in the weeks that follow.

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