Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Bloomberg's #VirginiaLikesMike Militia in Virginia: Leadership Team for Bloomberg 2020

                                                         The Barbarians at the Gate

Most Virginians are well aware of the ties between Michael Bloomberg and Virginia Democrats. Bloomberg was heavily involved in supporting Democrats in Congressional races in 2018 where Democrats seized control of the Virginia Congressional Delegation. Bloomberg followed up his success in Virginia 2018 races with major contributions in Virginia during the 2019 General Assembly races that resulted in the Virginia Democrats secure the majority for the first time in over two decades.

Now, Michael Bloomberg is spending money in Virginia on himself and his run for the Presidential nomination of the Democrat Party without even have participated in a single Democrat Primary debate. Bloomberg like so many times in the past cannot be bothered with conventional campaigning. Billionaires set their own rules.

Bloomberg has used Independence USA (Super PAC) to contribute to Democrats and it was this vehicle that contributed to  Democrat challengers in Virginia that would win election in 2018. Rep. Jennifer Wexton (D) VA10  who defeated Barbara Comstock (R) in 2018 and Rep. Elaine Luria (D) VA02  who defeated Scott Taylor (R) both backed by Bloomberg.

In fact in 2018, Michael Bloomberg contributed to 24 House races which Democrats won 21.

Bloombergs has gotten the most attention lately in Virginia not for his Presidential run but rather for his gun control "militia" Moms Demand Action and Everytown for Gun Safety. Bloomberg resources accounted fro almost 50 million in House races nationwide in 2018 and his Everytown for Gun Safety contributed millions to the Democrat effort to flip the General Assembly majority in 2019.

Bloomberg used his Everytown for Gun Safety and Beyond Carbon Action Fund to donate almost two million to Virginia campaigns in 2019 for the General Assembly.

Now that Michael Bloomberg is focusing on his own campaign, Bloomberg is leveraging established Progressive activists and campaign organizers for command and control of the "Bloomberg Militia".
Bloomberg has announced his leadership team in Virginia to promote and push his campaign going into the upcoming primary in Virginia on Tuesday March 3, 2020.

You will see a theme with the Bloomberg Militia. Gun Control Progressives.

Bloombergs "Lieutenants"  for Virginia:   #mikementum  @Mike2020 @MikeBloomberg

Melissa Gallahan-   Virginia State Director
                                 Hillary for America, Obama Campaign, Warner Campaign

Lise Clavel-  Virginia Senior Advisor
                      Beto for America

Tyler Tucker- Deputy Virginia Director
                       Ralph Northam for Governor

Adnan Mohamed- Virginia Political Director
                               Beto for America

Michelle Moffit- Virginia Organizing Director
                             Hillary for America
Renzo Olivari- Virginia Communications Director
                          Ralph Northam for Governor, Kamala Harris

1 comment:

  1. I appreciate your blog but please proofread before posting. The typos, grammatical errors and simple misspellings make you look like a middle school dropout.
