Thursday, January 9, 2020

SB104: Virginia Democrats Looking to Remove Parental Consent Relating to Medical and Health Services

The 2020 Virginia General Assembly has convened in Richmond, Virginia and the the Democrat Party of Virginia has assumed its majority role in both the House of Delegates and the Senate.

While much of the media focus has been on the historic nature and composition of the 2020 Assembly by the left leaning media and the proposed gun legislation being advanced by Governor Ralph Northam (D) by the right leaning media there is in truth many more pieces of legislation coming that very little light has been shined on.

                                                     One of the bills is Senate Bill 104.

                     Patron: State Senator Barbara Favola- VA31 (Fairfax, Loudoun, Arlington)

Vaccinations and immunizations; minors; authority to consent. Provides that a minor shall be deemed an adult for the purpose of consenting to medical or health services related to receiving vaccinations and immunizations recommended by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention if the individual is at least 14 years of age and demonstrates to the satisfaction of a health care practitioner the ability to understand at the same comprehension level as an adult the risks and benefits associated with vaccinations and immunizations.

Parents all across the Commonwealth now face having their parental rights over their minor children ceded to the State. In effect, the State is seeking to permit a minor child the ability to seek medical treatment on their own without parental notification.

Would you consent to your child making the determination as to whether they should get a shot or a vaccine without your participation? A minor child influenced by the government employee making the recommendation without informing a parent nor requiring any notification pre or post treatment is seriously the kind of "healthcare" Democrats think is acceptable?

Would "PrEP" be admitted with out parental consent for example? The pre- exposure prophylaxis drug taken daily that addresses HIV prevention is clearly a drug that would be classified as a "sex drug". The intent of the drug is clear and is advertised for sexually active lifestyles.

Do Virginia parents really want minor children to have access to such drugs without parent or guardian consent? In truth, should SB104 pass the Assembly and be enacted  a minor child could have shots or vaccines, be administered drugs at schools or other youth facilities without any knowledge of a parent. NO NOTIFICATION.

All drugs appear to have side effects of some sort of another. If a parent is not notified of a drug a minor has consumed how would a parent effectively be able to identify any concern? Do we really want our children taking healthcare into their own hands? What if there are side effects? Would a child recognizer them soon enough? Allergic reactions? Would a pediatrician or primary care physician be notified of the shots, vaccines, drugs or birth control pills provided a minor child? The answer is no.

Do we really want schools or day care facilities to be healthcare providers? This is exactly what you will get if SB104 passes.

SB104 should be opposed by Virginia Conservatives.

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1 comment:

  1. I fully agree with vaccinating children except in the cases of children with immunity diseases or under going certain treatments. PARENTS are responsible for that NOT the children. If they're not old enough, mature or responsible enough to make other health decisionsthen they shouldn't have the ability to make ANY health decisions without parental consent.
