Following the Capital Gun Ban by the Joint Rules Committee in the General Assembly last week, legislators finally actually had the first opportunity to cast floor votes on some of the Governor Northam gun control legislation carried by Virginia Democrats in Richmond.
Three gun control bills were voted on and all three passed mostly along party line votes.
SB35- allowing localities to set their own bans at facilities and events
SB69- one gun a month legislation
SB70- mandatory background checks on all private sales and transfers
Senate Bill 70 here resulted in two Republicans betrayals in the Senate:

State Senator Dunnavant- (R) VA12

Senators Siobhan Dunnavant who narrowly won re-election last November from the VA12 in the suburbs of Richmond and Senator Emmett Hanger VA24- Augusta, Rockingham, Greene, Madison.
*All of Hanger's VA24 district counties have passed 2A Gun Sanctuary measures demanded by constituents.
Firearm transfers; criminal history record information Firearm transfers; criminal history record information checks; penalty. Requires a background check for any firearm transfer and directs the Department of State Police (the Department) to establish a process for transferors to obtain such a check from licensed firearms dealers. A transferor who sells a firearm to another person without obtaining the required background check is guilty of a Class 6 felony. The bill also provides that a transferee who receives a firearm from another person without obtaining the required background check is guilty of a Class 1 misdemeanor. The bill exempts transfers (i) between immediate family members; (ii) that occur by operation of law; (iii) by the executor or administrator of an estate or by the trustee of a testamentary trust; (iv) at firearms shows in accordance with law; (v) that are part of a buy-back or give-back program; (vi) of antique firearms; (vii) that occur at a shooting range, shooting gallery, or any other area designed for the purpose of target shooting or for use during target practice, a firearms safety or training course or class, a shooting competition, or any similar lawful activity; or (viii) that are temporary transfers that (a) occur within the continuous presence of the owner of the firearm or (b) are necessary to prevent imminent death or great bodily harm. The bill removes the provision that makes background checks of prospective purchasers or transferees at firearms shows voluntary. The bill also provides that the Department shall have three business days to complete a criminal history record information check before a firearm.
It calls into to real question the unity of the State GOP moving forward regarding these gun control measures. Friday's "Red Flag Laws" is poised to be a heated debate given they violate 4A and 5A provisions of the Constitution. The Democrats have the votes to pass any piece of legislation in the both the Senate and the House of Delegates.
Thus far we have witnessed two "Republican" Senators betray constituents with votes supporting the Progressive gun control measures. State Senator Tommy Norment (R) Minority Leader has stated that the GOP caucus will support some measures being proposed by Progressives.
Should these votes of support happen, the State GOP will likely split making the Tea Party movement look like very small potatoes.
Principle before Politics.
These Republicans do not represent what they say they do. Remember Medicaid Expansion even when they controlled the majority?
The gun control lobbies got votes on Thursday from officials they did not even have to contribute a single cent to during the 2019 campaign. Bloomberg and Soros funded the Democrats and these Republicans simply are doing the bidding of the leftists.
No More.
A time is approaching for political exodus. Conservatives and Libertarians must unite with one another and send a clear message to these "Republicans" that they no longer represent the values they pledged to in Richmond.
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