Friday, January 3, 2020

Tommy Norment (R): A Betrayal of Trust

As Senate Majority leader in the Virginia General Assembly in 2019, Tommy Norment (R)  stated he would support legislation enabling localities“to enact any firearms ordinances that are stricter than state law,” 

The VCDL (Virginia Citizens Defense League) which is one of the largest gun rights advocacy groups in Virginia cannot remain silent. Last year, the VCDL refused to condemn Norment's various gun bills that are not aligned with majority 2A supporters in Virginia. Its time for VCDL to not only stand with pro-2A Virginians BUT also call out and hold accountable Republican leaders as well.

Recently at a Legislative Insight Luncheon State Senator Tommy Norment (R) stated that the Virginia GOP in the Virginia Senate would support "universal background checks" and the measure would pass because his Caucus would support it in the Virginia Senate along with Virginia Democrats.

This is just another example demonstrating disconnect by State Senator Tommy Norment (R) from Virginia Republicans. Last summer, it was Norment who proposed banning all firearms on government property while Senate Majority Leader in the Virginia Senate.

That is correct. The State Senator as Majority Leader proposed to ban guns. Norment sought to amend the law that forbids firearms on courthouse property to include all government complexes.

Senator Norment represents the VA03 which is comprised of King & Queen, King William, New Kent, and Glouster County in Virginia. Norment won re-election in November with 61% of the vote in the Third District. However, virtually every locality in his district has supports 2A Gun Sanctuary resolutions or affirmations of the Second Amendment.

Former State Senator Dick Black (R) proposed counter proposals to Norment. Black asserted that local governments should be prohibited from passing any ordinances restricting local employees from carrying firearms on public buildings or government complexes. Black's measure directly addressed the inability of local employees to carry on property that was highlighted in the investigation in the May 31, 2019 Virginia Beach shooting incident at the Virginia Beach Municipal Center.

We all know the recent results in Texas where an armed citizen during religious services shot and killed an active shooter during religious services because Texas had enacted a law that permitted armed security forces used by places of worship to carry firearms legally on church premises.

Delegate Glen Davis (R- Va Beach) also has proposed gun bans in government buildings. Both Norment and Davis appear to be out of touch with the majority of Virginia Republicans now who intend to rally at the Richmond Capital this month on January 20th. Davis also sought a stricter conceal carry program demanding a firearms safety course in person and withdraw online training.

This is in stark contrast to State Senator Bill DeSteph (R) who sought gun proposals that addressed actual crimes committed using a firearm not law abiding citizens with gun ownership. DeSteph sought to increase the penalties for offenders who used a firearm in commission of a crime.

All of this highlights a lack of leadership and unified messaging that has resonated in the State GOP Leadership in Richmond for years.

Tommy Norment also refused to support fellow Republican State Senator Amanda Freeman Chase in her re-election bid in November for the VA11 Senate District comprising Chesterfield, Amelia and Colonial Heights. Norment supported every other Republican Senate candidate in the Richmond suburbs providing hundreds of thousand of dollars to Glen Sturtevant and Siobhan Dunnavant campaigns. Dunnavant would win re-election but Sturtevant would lose.

Senator Chase has been a strong advocate for 2A rights and determined after Norment was selected once again as the leader for the fourth term now as Minority Leader of the Senate to leave the Republican Caucus.

Is there any wonder why Chase would opt to leave a Caucus that clearly is determined to continue to make the same mistakes and not address the things that resulted in the Republican Party's sound defeat last November and loss of majorities in both the Virginia Senate and House of Delegates.

Gun banning supported by Republicans? Extensive Background Checks or waiting periods for Firearms? Id this the future of the State GOP in Richmond and what they intend to support?

Tommy Norment and others like Glen Davis have betrayed Virginia Republicans. Is this their vision of "opposition"?

“Our Commonwealth has come to a crossroads. The GOP Senate leadership has failed to lead and new leadership is required. I have presented my concerns to the leadership and they have been dismissed. If that means me breaking away from the caucus so be it,” (Senator Amanda Freeman Chase)

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  1. Another turncoat, we used to hang traitors!

    1. The whole Virginia Republican Party are traitors, they created this problem by not finding constitutional conservatives to run.

  2. Communist plot. It's a flesh wound I say, yet most say off with the arm before gangrene sets.

  3. We need Delegates and Senators like Senator Chase to rally the real Conservative Republicans in the General Assembly to come to their senses and fight the current tyrannical state government in Richmond.

    Jeff, Blue Ridge, VA
