Thursday, January 2, 2020

Gov. Ralph Northam's Gun Ban Epiphany

                             Governor Ralph Northam of Virginia is not backing down.

Having secured the majority for the first time in decades in the Virginia General Assembly there is little opposition standing in way of Northam and the Virginia Progressives in Richmond to prevent him implementing sweeping radical changes to Virginia gun laws.

The deal certainly was struck with Progressives last Spring. A surging Progressive movement within the Virginia Democrat Party came out very hard against the Governor regarding the "blackface" revelation. At first Northam denied the allegation that he ever wore "blackface" while at medical school but then later would admit that he was actually in the pictures revealed.

While many Democrats condemned the Governor, there was no real effort in either chamber to remove the Governor. In fairness, there was no effort by the Republicans controlling both chambers of the General Assembly at the time either. Many contend that was a major miscalculation by the Republican Party of Virginia. In fact, there was not even unifying messaging during the 2019 campaign for the Assembly regarding the "blackface" issue.

Democrats secured victory in November and then proceeded to name its entire leadership team from one region of Virginia; Progressive Northern Virginia.

Many believe that the change in Northam's positions are a direct result of his not being investigated or being forced to resign by his Party. There is little evidence that Northam in his political career ever advanced a gun confiscation or restriction measure nor did he ever campaign on gun registration.

Governor Northam hails from the Virginia Eastern Shore region of Virginia. Northam served the VA-6 Senate District before being Gov. Terry McAuliffe's Lt. Governor which is comprised of Accomack County, Northampton County, Mathews County and parts of Hampton Rhodes, Norfolk and Virginia Beach.

Thus far, Accomack, Northampton and Mathews County which Northam represented for years have all voted in support of the 2A Gun Sanctuary Movement in Virginia.

In fact, there is a direct correlation in Northam's change in position regarding guns and him having to mend fences with his own Party after the allegations of "blackface" surfaced.

The Democrat Party of Virginia lost any high ground on morality in 2019 having supported the opposition to Judge Kavanaugh and the baseless assertions launched against the Judge during his confirmations hearings in the U.S. Senate to the utter failure to investigate or hold hearings regarding Northam and Attorney General Herring's "blackface" admissions and the sexual assault allegations brought forward by two Democrat women against Lt. Gov. Justin Fairfax.

It is clear that an agreement was reached. The calls for resignation dissipated with each passing poll demonstrating that the Democrats would secure the Assembly.

In recent weeks, Northam has double down even bringing in the contemplation of using the National Guard to enforce the upcoming laws Progressives plan to enact. The backlash was so severe that it appears that Northam has moved off the position only to advance the creation of an 18 member unit to enforce the gun bans.

Virginia has a population of 8.5 million citizens. 29.30% of the Virginia population owns firearms.

Northam wants an 18 member "Gestapo-style" force to enforce the Progressive gun bans. In effect, this team would cost the Virginia tax payer 4.8 million so Virginians will be paying to have their own firearms confiscated. Northam also included another 2 million to enforce other gun proposals that Progressives seek to enact in 2020. Northam is not above adding to the 18 member force as necessary to address the gun bans.

Over 90% of Virginia localities have rejected the Northam Gun Ban proposals having resolutions drafted in support of the Second Amendment.

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1 comment:

  1. As you mentioned in this article, the failure of the Republicans to press the issue against "governor blackface" was a major political blunder. I believe it was also a major moral blunder. The GOP of VA has long been spineless and therefore has not taken any kind of stand against (or for) anything lest they offend someone. It's rather sad really. I don't know what will become of all of these new proposed laws but I doubt it will end well.
