Monday, January 13, 2020

Virginia Democrats Seek Pro Abortion Amendment to Virginia Constitution

While the gun control legislation debates continue in the Virginia General Assembly, there is another rather insidious effort afoot in Richmond threatening the very rights of the unborn.

The Virginia Democrat Party has all but silenced any pro-life conservative members of its party in the General Assembly in the last decade. The Virginia Democrats have determined that the will of the mother is greater than that of the unborn and that a mother's "rights" supersede that of her unborn child.

Virginia Democrats also appear to reject any "rights" of the father in the instance of pregnancy. That a father of an unborn child has little to know rights yet as soon as a child is born Democrats have long demanded that a "father" provide support financial or otherwise for the child.

How is it one is a "father" only upon birth exactly? Do not both mothers and fathers prepare for the birth of a child in some capacity together? Are they both not "responsible" for the conception of the child to begin with.

Democrats have taken the position that a "child" is only a "child" in truth when it becomes a burden. Meaning, Democrats do not recognize life until birth and anything up until "live birth" can be legislated to the benefit in their eyes to the mother or toward "reproductive rights".

No one is seeking to reduce or diminish a woman's right to reproduce in truth. No one is seeking the right to tell which women in society can reproduce or not but the truth is once you in fact do conceive a child a new covenant is created between mother, father and the unborn.

Virginia Democrats are see\king to declare a "right to personal reproductive autonomy" that of course does not exist in the U.S. Constitution. Democrats are also seeking to void or repeal any "parental consent" laws relating to abortion or in truth a minor child's reproductive health. Democrats have already advanced legislative proposals that would allow minors to be provided shots and vaccines with the consent or notification of parents in Virginia. Now they wish for "procedures" to be covered as well as they relate to reproductive health for minor children.

Senate Resolution 2  and Senate Bill 21 advance such a measure: See below for descriptions:

Resolution 2 if passed fundamentally changes the Virginia Constitution.

Offered January 8, 2020
Prefiled November 18, 2019
Proposing an amendment to the Constitution of Virginia by adding in Article I a section numbered 18, relating to personal reproductive liberty.
Patron-- Saslaw
Referred to Committee on Privileges and Elections
RESOLVED by the Senate, the House of Delegates concurring, a majority of the members elected to each house agreeing, That the following amendment to the Constitution of Virginia be, and the same hereby is, proposed and referred to the General Assembly at its first regular session held after the next general election of members of the House of Delegates for its concurrence in conformity with the provisions of Section 1 of Article XII of the Constitution of Virginia, namely:
Amend the Constitution of Virginia by adding in Article I a section numbered 18 as follows:
Section 18. Personal Reproductive Liberty.
That an individual's right to personal reproductive autonomy is central to the enjoyment of life and liberty and shall not be denied or infringed upon unless justified by a compelling interest of the Commonwealth and achieved by the least restrictive means.

                                                               Senate Bill 21


Provision of abortion; parental consent requirement; ultrasound requirement; hospital regulations. Removes the requirement that a pregnant minor seeking an abortion obtain either parental consent or judicial authorization. The bill removes the requirement that a pregnant woman seeking to obtain an abortion undergo a fetal transabdominal ultrasound prior to obtaining an abortion at least 24 hours prior to obtaining an abortion, or at least two hours prior to obtaining an abortion if the pregnant woman lives at least 100 miles from the facility where the abortion is to be performed. The bill also removes language classifying facilities that perform five or more first-trimester abortions per month as hospitals for the purpose of complying with regulations establishing minimum standards for hospitals.

A simple review of these measures is a radical change from the current Commonwealth measures. Virginia is and always has been a conservative, right leaning Commonwealth regardless of the results of election cycles. Any geographical map of the Assembly illustrates this truth. The population and urban centers are certainly liberal, progressive but the majority of localities in Virginia are not.

No longer would ultrasounds be required that determine the age of the unborn fetus. Democrats again do not perceive the unborn to be a "life" and therefore reject the requirement for an ultrasound as they are accepting of abortion on demand at any time prior to "live birth". 

Some have argued that many in the Democrat Party including many Progressives and the Governor of Virginia are accepting of abortion post "live birth" as well or commonly known as "infanticide". Governor Northam went on hos radio show during the 2019 Assembly session and stated as much in defense of the then proposed Delegate Kathy Tran bill before the Assembly.

Worse yet is the fact that SB21 also creates a situation where it would permit clinics to conduct abortions without the same level of state requirements of health and safety standards that all other medical hospitals performing surgeries must adhere to. Thus a clinic very well may be less safe for the mother than a hospital.

Is this is the very best interest of "women's reproductive autonomy"? Is not this simple one step away from last century "back alley" abortions AND Democrats even want to expose minor children to less safe facilities.

Are Democrats will to accept the responsibility of a life threatening or actions to prevent a minor child the ability to EVER conceive again in her whole life as a result of an abortion in a less safe clinic and without any notification or parental consent?

How many lawsuits could be generated in truth by women or families of minor children? Well, Democrats would also just as soon as reverse medical malpractice for abortionists as well thus protecting abortion clinics from the exposure to lawsuits.

Democrats no longer want expecting women to have to witness their choices. That's right their choices. With the exception of rape of course, the majority of pregnant women in Virginia engaged in a choice; the choice to engage in sexual relations with another. as it stands, a Virginian must be provided an ultrasound and a fetal heartbeat before an abortion is undertaken. In truth however, many Virginians seeking abortions are not provided this even though the law stipulates they must by many clinics according to many Virginians who oppose abortions now after having one themselves in the past.

Senate Bill 68 is another Democrat repeal bill that would remove the ultrasound and heart beat requirement under Virginia law.

The truth  behind all these measures  by Progressives is to make Virginia a safe haven for abortion. Progressives wish to systematically change Virginia and implement their own values upon Virginia's almost 8 million population.

Values that pick and choose whose rights are superior. Progressive abortion bills and their assault on the Second Amendment have one similarity; they deny the protection of the defenseless against those that would kill or abort them.

What does an Amendment to the Virginia Constitution  require:

Article XII Future Changes

Text of Section 1:
Any amendment or amendments to this Constitution may be proposed in the Senate or House of Delegates, and if the same shall be agreed to by a majority of the members elected to each of the two houses, such proposed amendment or amendments shall be entered on their journals, the name of each member and how he voted to be recorded, and referred to the General Assembly at its first regular session held after the next general election of members of the House of Delegates. If at such regular session or any subsequent special session of that General Assembly the proposed amendment or amendments shall be agreed to by a majority of all the members elected to each house, then it shall be the duty of the General Assembly to submit such proposed amendment or amendments to the voters qualified to vote in elections by the people, in such manner as it shall prescribe and not sooner than ninety days after final passage by the General Assembly. If a majority of those voting vote in favor of any amendment, it shall become part of the Constitution on the date prescribed by the General Assembly in submitting the amendment to the voters
Text of Section 2:
Constitutional Convention
The General Assembly may, by a vote of two-thirds of the members elected to each house, call a convention to propose a general revision of, or specific amendments to, this Constitution, as the General Assembly in its call may stipulate.
The General Assembly shall provide by law for the election of delegates to such a convention, and shall also provide for the submission, in such manner as it shall prescribe and not sooner than ninety days after final adjournment of the convention, of the proposals of the convention to the voters qualified to vote in elections by the people. If a majority of those voting vote in favor of any proposal, it shall become effective on the date prescribed by the General Assembly in providing for the submission of the convention proposals to the voters

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