Thursday, January 16, 2020

General Assembly: Progressive Deniers of the Human Costs of Gun Control

Virginia Progressives in their poorly conceived rush to ban guns have failed to make their case to the Commonwealth of Virginia. Sure, Democrats have the majority in the General Assembly in Richmond and can pass just about whatever they want to but that certainly does not mean they should. 

With power and majority comes great responsibility. Virginia Democrats risk alienating voters that comprise its base from all over the Commonwealth. While they appear self absorbed with the Northern Virginia contingent of their caucus, they risk turning off many Democrats whom are not as Progressive and even some that have aligned with Progressives on social issues.

For example, many immigrants that have come to Virginia to a large extent in the Northern Virginia region have fled some form of persecution or targeting in one way or another in their home countries. One of the major themes that triggers many immigrants is the this notion of removing a means of self defense.

We have seen this play out throughout history but we do not have to go back that far. Examine this chart put together by the Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership , a leading national civil rights organization focused on preserving everyone's ability to defend themselves. Clearly history has demonstrated the necessity for a mean of defense, not just against individuals but more importantly against governments.

The chart below illustrates governments hand relating to human costs that always result from gun control bans or confiscations. Governments have had a hand in killing far more people throughout history than individuals resulting in millions becoming victimized by governments in power.

We see what is transpiring with the knife attacks in Great Britain at all time highs that merely represent a transition to another means of violence due to gun control upon a people unable to protect themselves nor have a government able to protect them.

The history is there but the leftists in Richmond deny the history. They buy into the absolute notion of victimization under the ruse of social justice reform. There is no justice and can be no justice when a government has absolute power and control over its people or in truth "subjects". Because this is exactly what Progressive Socialists seek; making individuals "subject" to the government.

The entire 2A debate in Virginia right now is less about guns and more about the true role of government. A government that bans guns is not limited government in any way shape or form. There are reasons governments ban guns and it is becoming more and more apparent based on the leftist rhetoric it is less about "public safety" than it is government control.

Does government control reduce crime? has strict gun control provisions actually reduced crime in the Progressive run cities of America where it has been implemented? What are the crime statistics, gun violence rates of these cities compared to those areas of the country with respected Constitutional laws followed and supported.

Why have law abiding citizens been targeted and not criminals? Why now are criminals elevated to such lofty political status that Progressives want to provide them the right to vote even from prison? Why is it they persist in removing gun rights from those whom have committed non violent crime or crimes not involving a firearm? Why? Because this measure is how Progressive and Liberal justice has used the justice system to influence not only gun ownership but also the polls for decades.

Progressive Commonwealth Attorneys now in Virginia are refusing to prosecute certain crime in Fairfax County, Arlington County and Loudoun County yet want to make Virginians whom own guns Class 6 felons if they do not follow the laws that will certainly pass the Assembly. 

One could steal property valued at 1,000 and not be arrested or prosecuted but get pulled over for a traffic violation and have a firearm in your vehicle and risk jail time for up to five years and be marked a felon for the rest of ones life. 

Progressives believe a firearm in ones possession is a greater crime than being "unlawfully present" in the United States. That law abiding citizens are a threat to them and their ambitions.

Do not think for one second that Virginia Progressives will not implement force to remove guns or to enforce their Red Flag legislation. Force is but the control they have over a people with little to no means of defending itself.

Ottoman Turkey1915-1917Armenians
(mostly Christians)
1-1.5 millionArt. 166, Pen. Code, 1866
& 1911 Proclamation, 1915
• Permits required •Government list of owners
•Ban on possession
Soviet Union1929-1945Political opponents;
farming communities
20 millionResolutions, 1918
Decree, July 12, 1920
Art. 59 & 182, Pen. code, 1926
•Licensing of owners
•Ban on possession
•Severe penalties
Nazi Germany
& Occupied Europe
1933-1945Political opponents;
Jews; Gypsies;
critics; "examples"
20 millionLaw on Firearms & Ammun., 1928
Weapon Law, March 18, 1938
Regulations against Jews, 1938
•Registration & Licensing
•Stricter handgun laws
•Ban on possession
China, Nationalist1927-1949Political opponents;
army conscripts; others
10 millionArt. 205, Crim. Code, 1914
Art. 186-87, Crim. Code, 1935
•Government permit system
•Ban on private ownership
China, Red1949-1952
Political opponents;
Rural populations
Enemies of the state
20-35 millionAct of Feb. 20, 1951
Act of Oct. 22, 1957
•Prison or death to "counter-revolutionary criminals" and anyone resisting any government program
•Death penalty for supply guns to such "criminals"
Guatemala1960-1981Mayans & other Indians;
political enemies
Decree 36, Nov 25 •Act of 1932
Decree 386, 1947
Decree 283, 1964
•Register guns & owners •Licensing with high fees
•Prohibit carrying guns
•Bans on guns, sharp tools
•Confiscation powers
Political enemies
300,000Firearms Ordinance, 1955
Firearms Act, 1970
•Register all guns & owners •Licenses for transactions
•Warrantless searches •Confiscation powers
(Khmer Rouge)
1975-1979Educated Persons;
Political enemies
2 millionArt. 322-328, Penal Code
Royal Ordinance 55, 1938
•Licenses for guns, owners, ammunition & transactions
•Photo ID with fingerprints
•License inspected quarterly
Rwanda1994Tutsi people800,000Decree-Law No. 12, 1979•Register guns, owners, ammunition •Owners must justify need •Concealable guns illegal •Confiscating powers

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