Thursday, December 5, 2019

Virginia Progressives Following Bloomberg Lead

Virginia Progressives following Bloomberg Lead; after cashing all his contributions to their campaign coffers in 2019.

Much has happened in the last few weeks with the #2AStrong Movement in Virginia. The movement is garnering national attention by the media. Some of this of course has to do with the fact now the biggest anti-gun candidate since the withdrawal of Beto O'Rourke (TX) from the Democrat Primary to nominate a contender for President Trump in 2020 as Michael Bloomberg has now entered the race.

                                                   Bloomberg's only issue thus far is guns.

The former New York City Mayor and famed originator of the "Stop and Frisk" program for the city is now advancing a sweeping mix of the most restrictive gun laws ever proposed in the modern era. Today, Bloomberg called for a national gun licensing program and likened it to other means that require a permit or license, stricter universal background checks coupled with national "red flag" laws which in truth attempt to provide greater authority to the federal government over State or Local authorities using the weight of the federal judiciary in many instances. Measures such as this would permit the government to seize any and all weapons without due process or even before a day in court for a citizen to be heard. Bloomberg's national gun licensing would require all firearms to be registered with the Department of Justice or State-level agency BEFORE a dealer could release the firearm to purchaser. Ask yourselves how long before this is a taxed procedure? Even marriage licensing is in effect a tax though its called a "fee".

In essence you as a citizen are no longer innocent until proven guilty but rather after your firearms are seized you must prove your innocence in order to have your firearms returned. The rub though is advocates wish to also create a database of "offenders". meaning if you are "red flagged" your name goes into a database much like a sex offender one which will NEVER have your name removed. You will never see the person who filed the complaint or that actually "red flagged" you.

This simply is an extension of what we are seeing in Washington today with the "whistleblower" in the impeachment inquiry. This person, though much of Washington knows who it is but refuses to report, has remained publicly and for the purposes of the investigations against Trump secret, The same will be the case with the person who notifies authorities that you should be "red flagged". They will not have to offer any real proof except that that may feel "threatened" by you words, your posts, groups you have joined, your free expressions etc....they actually do not even have to know you personally. They can simply claim "intimidation".

Of course Progressives in Virginia as of today intend to go even further than Bloomberg. At first it was simply about addressing gun violence. Now its about addressing their political opposition. As thousands of Virginian mobilize, Progressives are threatened. Democrats have not controlled the General Assembly let alone all three branches of government in literally decades. They have been an "opposition" Party since the 1990's in Virginia politics but all that changed last month when Democrats won both chambers of the General Assembly and also have Ralp Northam (D) as Governor.

Void of truly any leadership experience or governing as the majority, Progressives have seized control of the Virginia Democrat Party in large part because of the massive donations and contributions by Progressive advocacy groups on a national level who funded Virginia Democrats during the campaign of 2019. Groups funded by  Bloomberg and George Soros provided millions to Democrats. Everytown for Gun Safety targeted most every Senate race to flip the Virginia Senate and ultimately succeeded.

As fast as the #2AStrong movement enlists more counties to declare 2A Gun Sanctuary status, Progressives have moved in to counter the movement with mischaracterization. Norfolf Delegate Jay Jones stated that the movement "is indicative of the same mindset that....led this country to dissolve into civil war". What Jones is professing is he feels as though law abiding Virginians executing that 1A and advocating for their 2A rights is somehow not with our American tradition. Delegate Jones ought to pick up a history book on Virginia colonial history and the positions taken by Thomas Jefferson or James Madison in the Federalist Papers or Patrick Henry and host of other Virginians.

Jones is joined by Delegate Mark Levine, one of the most Progressive and hater of guns in the Virginia House of Delegates who has continuued his assault on advocates like Phillip Van Cleave, President of the Virginia Citizens Defense League who Progressives claim are behind this 2A "rebellion" in Virginia. Levine routinely states that Republicans all across Virginia refuse to accept any "common sense" gun reforms or proposals made  by the Democrats so now that they have the power to pass such legislation without any participation by any Republicans that is what they intend to push for.

Delegate Mark Levine introduced his bill HB4021 in the House earlier this year that in effect eliminate high capacity magazines, bump stocks and implement an assault-style weapons ban in Virginia. See Delegate Mark Levine here:

Progressive leaders and the media supporting them have labeled those advocating for 2A as "mischief makers" and the movement as meaningless. To Progressives the movement is "sour grapes" because of a lost election. Progressives are highly underestimating the movement in the same way Republicans underestimated the Tea Party Movement.

Blue Virginia, one of the largest subscribed online Progressive media concerns in Virginia has stated:
 “. . . citizens do not have the right or the power to determine on their own say-so whether or not a law is constitutional.”....

And yet Blue Virginia has been one of the strongest supporters and advocates for the "unlawfully present sanctuary" policy relating to the national immigration debate in Washington where federal laws are in place regarding immigration and Blue Virginia and Progressives continually ignore or circumvent. The biggest example in Montgomery County, MD where police are not prohibited from contact federal authorities after taking an "illegal alien" into custody.  Fairfax County, Va also has such measures in place. Progressives would terminate a police officer for following federal laws. 

This "mischief" assertions smacks of complete ignorance given it is Progressives who have advocated for "mischief" in places like Charlottesville where leaders incite such actions as monument and war memorial desecration. Monuments over a dozen times across the Commonwealth have been vandalism and not by 2A supporters or law abiding gun owners  but rather by Progressive activists seeking their removal from the Virginia landscape. These are the real "mischief makers" in truth.

#redflaglaws #Bloomberg #VaGOP #BlueVirginia #2AStrong #VaGuns #VaGunSanctuary #2A #1A #VA07 #VA02

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