Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Progressives And Racism: Check Your Own House

Everyone is familiar with the typical gaslighting and identity politics continually played by Progressive leaders and even more so by the pundits who shill for Progressives in the media 24/7. These pundits as a matter of daily course portray Republicans as "white nationalists" or "white supremacists" as the norm and President Trump as the "racist in chief" yet never seem to look in the mirror or assess their own circumstance. A circumstance created entirely y themselves.

Yesterday it was revealed that Kamala Harris, former Attorney General for California, would be withdrawing from the primary to become the Democrat nominee to run against President Trump in 2020. While the pundits attempted to portray the circumstance as a shock, the fact is is was not really a shock at all to anyone paying any real attention to the race or the debates.

From the moment Rep. Tulsi Gabbard totally slayed Kamal Harris in the second Democrat Presidential Primary debate the legitimacy of the Harris campaign was over. Harris was never again a serious candidate and from that debate dropped continually in the polls after having one of the largest announcement rallies in Oakland earlier this year. Estimates were in the range of 20 to 25,000 people to see her enter the race.

Harris was backed almost extensively by former Hillary Clinton donors and she shot right out the gate with more contributions than any of the other early candidates in the race. However, Harris could never sustain it and frankly her campaign never truly resonated with any one other than the pundits seeking once again to play identity politics. In fact, the only card the Progressive pundits could play was race in building Harris up for her utter failure as a candidate.

As it stands right now there are no longer any African American candidates whom have qualified for the next Democrat debate. This of course leads the Progressive pundits to cry foul and assert racial biases. Yet racial bias by whom? This is a Democrat primary. Corey Booker's campaign is hedging cash and likely another flop and appears will not qualify for the debate either though still officially in the race. The fact is that it is Democrats who are failing to support these candidates. In fact, it was California Democrats who urged Harris to withdraw from the race as she failed to connect with voters in Iowa, New Hampshire or even South Carolina.

Harris once held a 16% share of support in the primary race after the first Democrat debate. By the end of the second debate her support would halve almost over night. Here is a typical Progressive tweet you would find on twitter on Tuesday following the Harris withdrawal:

Kamala Harris dropping out of the race while only white candidates qualify for the next presidential debate shows that white privilege and white supremacy cut across party lines. It’s not just Trump. We have a racism problem in all of the United States of America, and it sucks (@eugenegu)

Wasn't long before pundits started asserting the racism as a reason for her withdrawal. Even Julian Castro still in the race took a shot at the "media" of all things stating “The way the media has treated @KamalaHarris has been something else. The way they’ve held her to a different standard, a double standard has been grossly unfair and unfortunate".

Seriously, it was the medias fault. A  media that held Harris accountable to her record? Isnt that the job of an independent media? And the nonsense regarding race continued all day long on CNN. A CNN which hardly reported on the Harris campaign for months in large part due to its fetish for impeachment. 

So Progressive long on focusing on race have apparently called out their own Party for racism or even sexism. That is due to racism as to why the Harris campaigned failed. Not the fact Harris was a horrible campaigner or the fact she woffled over healthcare for weeks changing her positions from sound bite to sound bite or the fact she utterly was destroyed in the second debate after having called Vice President Biden out in the first debate. 

You have to give it to the Progressives. Harris spiked in support after playing the victim and asserting how she was one of the children of busing in the 70's as a sword against Biden and accused him of overt racism by aligning with those she felt were racist at the time in Congress. 

Americans and apparently Democrats do not really like "victimhood". Harris even failed to resonate with African Americans. Is this fact racist? How is it that a minority women had to withdrawal from the race if not racism right? Clearly Democrats had little problem supporting Obama for eight years. Obama's race did not appear to be an issue but race was an issue for Harris if you listen to Progressives. Or if that does not work the narrative will shift to "sexism". Democrats would not support a "black women".

Could it just be that Harris was a poor candidate? Her campaign record appears to illustrate that. The Progressive appear to be claiming Harris had a "clear path" to the nomination because she was black. That the Party would demand it and they voters did not support her. Her "clear path" scorched earth campaign methods in itself demonstrates a racism on to itself in that Democrat voters "must" support her campaign because she is both black and a women.

Regardless, Progressives have demonstrated they have a race problem. They now have no minority candidates unless Castro can qualify for the next debate and will present on the debate stage the horror of the Progressive wing of the Democrat Party; an all white debate stage.

Progressives must now self assess their own racism in the face of all their claims against the Republicans which in 2016 had a debate stage with more minorities running against Trump for the nomination than the Democrats now have seeking the nomination or at the very least qualifying for debates.

So much for Progressives self righteous indignation of Republicans they claim to be the "white nationalists" and "white supremacists".

Maybe Progressives out to examine a nomination process they have instituted through the DNC and evaluate just how racist they truly are as a Party if you apply the very standards they apply to every Republican campaign.

Progressives might want to check their own house in the future before they judge others in terms of racism. Appears they have problems of their own according to their pundits.

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