Sunday, December 29, 2019

The Impacts of Progressive Outrage: Stress, Anger and Anxiety upon Society

Sound the alarm. That's right. A trend that should concern every American is the impacts of what can only be described as "mental anxiety" is having on our society today.

If you examine the rise of anxiety from a "political" perspective one merely has to open up any social media platform and bear witness to the level of complete collapse of social interactions resulting from political discourse that has come of the rails.

In truth, we as a society are actually socializing less. One could argue that the great promise of "social media" has failed society. While pitching that these social platforms would "connect" us all, what they have really done is isolate us into "tribes" even further. The worse part about this is the social media concerns know this and are capitalizing on it.

Look at the Progressive response since 2016 to the election of Donald Trump. An election that has created such anxiety on the American left that society has witnessed tweet after tweet of how citizens can no longer "function", "work" or "cope" within their own lives and communities simply because the mere though of Trump as President creates such anxiety.

How does Trump haves this power? Have Progressives simply ceded the power to him? A power that has in turn has created such level of anger, frustration, distrust, and in some instances "hate" in people that they would surrender their own mental health to a political figure such as Trump and then blame him for their own circumstance.

Some used to e ale to argue that it was the "economy" that created such anxiety. The lack of opportunity, access to employment or in the last decade access to healthcare. These were the areas that were pointed to the most. However, in 2019 the American economy is sitting at historic levels. Unemployment figures are the lowest they have been in almost fifty years and more women and minorities are gainfully employed than ever in our nations history. Middle class wages are on the rise and the Trump tax cuts are working for the benefit of millions of Americans.

Of course, the Progressive dismiss much of the economy that has been delivered. They deny the Trump economy yet very few potential nominees on the left during the Primary Debates wish to speak on the state of economy. They leave their allies in the media to do that bidding.

Is it this "bidding" that is fact is creating the anxiety of young people in our society. This notion that everything Trump does is wrong and should be opposed? That out of the rejection of the Trump persona that everything Trump does is either wrong or misguided paying little to no attention to the success of any policy or proposal?

It appears for the first time in decades American life expectancy is declining. What is it that is creating this and why does it appear that America's younger generations are leading more destructive lives than previous generations?

Where is the stress coming from exactly? Stress by far is a major contributor to poor health. Often leading to depression, anxiety and other mental illnesses.  Are people feeling worse about themselves and ultimately there lives simply because of who half the country elected as President? If so, is this simply not a condition or mental deficiency that the American physchological community must address?

The number one concern we have been told that voters have in healthcare. Yet within the last five years, healthcare has been delivered to them via the Affordable Care Act (ACA) or Obamacare. This is what Progressives wanted and fought for and was delivered by Congress. The issue of healthcare was supposed to be addressed by ACA but was it? Now almost ten years post the passage of ACA, how can healthcare still e an over riding issue for voters if ACA was successful in fulfilling its promise.

Fact is, ACA was not successful. So much so that Progressives are running away from it in favor of the "new" political wedge issue for the upcoming election; Medicare for All.

The worry and stress related to healthcare creates a level of uncertainty in peoples lives all across the country. The left will convince their tribe its the Republicans to blame and yet ACA was their plan. It was their dream to bring healthcare to the masses  but what they failed to tell everyone is who it was actually going to benefit in truth and who got very very rich from its passage.

Was the anxiety and stress of families relieved? Of course not. But instead of admitting the fact that Democrat polices are failing our cities and ACA has been an utter failure nationally. Progressives take no responsibility instead convincing its ranks its Trump to blame for all their worries.

If "we" just stop Trump all will get better. That is the pitch. "We" must impeach him "now". Yet the Progressives now after voting for impeachment fail to send over the impeachment to the Senate for trial THUS extending the peoples anguish and frustration through the holiday season but of course its the Republicans fault.

Is it any wonder why people are dealing with such stress given the 24/7 media quibbling over Trump all day every day. Is it any wonder more and more Americans are under a prescribed medication than ever before in our nations history and that the U.S. life expectancy is now declining.

The leading cause of death in the U.S. still remains heart disease. One of the major factors influencing heart disease is "uncontrolled stress, anger and anxiety". Is it any wonder why it is our cities experiencing more instances of stress, anger and anxiety than our nations rural areas? Is it a coincidence that the policies that govern most major cities in the U.S. are Progressive? Is there are direct correlation between rising taxes, healthcare costs, fees and living expenses that impact the quality of life for Americans and stress, anger and anxiety?

Why is it that so many Progressives appear to be so angry? Is it solely Trump? Or is it the simply a refusal to acknowledge that what they profess to believe in and the Party they endeavor to support has continued to fail them?

If President Trump in fact impacts your quality of life, mental state, levels of stress, anger and anxiety than by all means seek out the professional help you so clearly require. Subscribing to the notion that if you blame others like Trump for your condition and it will somehow relieve your own responsibility for your stress, anger and anxiety you simply are buying modern "snake oil" or "exlixir" being peddled to you by the political class.

Progressive outrage is unhealthy. Its unhealthy for individuals but also for our society at large. We are seeing the best economy in a century. We are witnessing almost full employment and rising wages for the first time in decades and yet at the very same time seeing higher instances of stress, anger and anxiety.

Could the rise be associated possibly with the constant media portrayal (propaganda) that incites such conditions. The increased use of social media within our culture?

Regardless of your political persuasion, if the media is creating stress, anger or anxiety in your life do yourself a favor and turn it off. Your health is more important and you are more important to your family and friends than the next election.

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