Thursday, December 12, 2019

Charlottesville (Albemarle County) Surrounded by 2A Sanctuaries

Charlottesville, Va has remained in the news for the last few years mostly due to two things; one the success of the University of Virginia and its sports programs and two an inept, feckless city government focused on "social injustices" of the past rather than moving the city forward as world class city.

Following the rally in 2017,  Charlottesville has moved so far to the left that radical extremists seem to have become the norm elected to the city council. A history that includes Councilor Wes Bellamy long well known for his racist and homophobic tweets but also his disgraceful sexist comments directed towards white women. And lets not forget his famous "i hate snow" statements because snow is "white". Unbelievably, Bellamy was appointed to the Virginia State Board of Education despite a history of offensive statements.
Wes Bellamy, Councilor

Charlottesville in the wake of the tragedy in 2017 elected Mayor Nikuyah Walker. Walkers slogan has been "Unmasking the illusion" of systematic racism and inequality in the city and yet the city has been run by Democrats for decades and is one of the most liberal Progressive localities outside Northern Virginia. In fact, Charlottesville policies mirror Arlington County and many other Progressive cities in the Northeast than it does other Virginia areas.

The localities surrounding the City of Charlottesville and predominantly supporting it economically do not share the same level of pessimism towards Virginia or America and its history as the City. Charlottesville over the last two years has attempted various ways to remove Virginia history from the public square. The City has spent hundreds of thousands of tax payer dollars on defending positions in and out of court relating to its policies. The city leadership has sought the removal of both the Robert E. Lee and Stonewall Jackson statutes but recently added that the Lewis & Clark monument should also be removed.

Charlottesville has become known to be home to the "Black Tarp" Progressives.

The Courts have ruled thus far against the attempts of Charlottesville to remove monuments citing the legislation enacted in Richmond to protect "war memorials" from removal by local authorities. Just as thousands of Virginians are showing up at agenda meetings all over the Commonwealth in support of the Constitution, Charlottesville and its leaders along with other Progressives are looking to the General Assembly to repeal the protections placed upon the monuments and history they seek to remove.

This dynamic illustrates the real disconnect between places like Charlottesville and the Virginians living around it. While thousands are standing for our founding principles, Charlottesville appears ashamed of our nations founding and those that formed our Republic. Even Thomas Jefferson may not make it through the direction the city is moving. A man that basically built much of the history there, but Jefferson owned slaves so he to has become a target of the "social justice" warrior elite heavily funded by contributions from outside the Commonwealth.

Charlottesville's neighboring counties are enacting Second Amendment Sanctuary resolutions to protect its citizens from the State's planned gun bans. Thus far localities like Orange County, Rockingham County, Greene County, Louisa County  Buckingham County and Nelson County have enacted support for the #2AStrong movement in Virginia that is sweeping the state.

Almost eighty counties have signed on to the 2A gun sanctuary movement in Virginia thus far. Many Virginians are looking to Charlottesville and asking whether they no longer should support a city economically that so opposes the very history of Virginia that has played such an integral role in our nation. Virginia's ties to the Constitution can be seen everywhere across the state. Whether the history of the Virginia Plan or the participants in our Revolutionary Period, much of America's founding can be found in Virginia.

Young students educated all across the country learn of Virginia and its role in our founding from Jamestown to the surrender of the British. They learn of and many as they grow older visit places like Williamsburg and Yorktown. Charlottesville's leadership has sought to turn its back on all of that.

The more Charlottesville pushes its progressive agendas the more it alienates itself from the Virginians living around the city who contribute economically to the city's future. The City is the certainly important to the region, home to a major educational institution like University of Virginia but also research hospitals and business centers but its is politically becoming disconnected to majority of Virginians who support it economically.

The 2A Movement is yet another example of how Charlottesville and Albemarle County, one of the most wealthy localities in Virginia, may very well be out of touch with its neighbors. Albemarle did not have 2A up for discussion on its December monthly Board meeting but Supervisor Rick Randolph stated that "we do not have any involvement on this issue".

Randolph stated that Albemarle County has set its priorities for the year and has no plans for a sanctuary resolution.

Many Virginians are asking themselves why they should support these localities further when they clearly to do not stand with them or the Constitution.

“No one is talking about taking away somebody’s shotgun, hunting rifle, and handgun if they have a concealed carry if they have a permit none of that is going to be taken away on even a state level.”  (Rick Randolph, Supervisor Albemarle County, Va)

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