Friday, December 6, 2019

Sanctuary Strategies: Movements with a Purpose

                           "Virginia Gun Lobby (and Gun Owners) want to be above the law"

The "Sanctuary" movement is not anything new. All across the country for the last few years we have seen the growth of the sanctuary movement as it relates to the illegal immigrant population spread throughout the country. The Progressive insistence that these individuals be permitted to live within the continental United States without fear or reprisal for breaking a fundamental law of any sovereign nation; the control of its borders and population.

The Immigration Sanctuary strategies employed are highly effective. Progressives shame local officials and voters who speak out concerning the issues relating to the increases in the "unlawfully present" populations. People are called "racists" or "xenophobic" simply by attempting to address real concerns they may have regarding the increases in this specific population on local services.

The Progressive strategy is to create policy and activism that work to shelter "undocumented" immigrants all across the country and are highly effective to that end. The only problem is Progressives are "sheltering" people who have violated federal immigration laws that were enacted not just by Republicans but Democrats as well. Democrats like former VP Joe Biden.

Effectively, what Progressives like to do is pick and choose which laws they believe are valid and which are not. Immigration laws being the latter. Therefore, they believe their sanctuary movement is a mere movement of social civil disobedience. However, what they are truly doing is advocating that individuals break the law and in truth seek others like law enforcement to break federal laws as well by having officials threaten their jobs if as officers they notify federal authorities they have an "undocumented" individual in custody.

These same Progressives who advocate for illegal immigration strategies are the very same ones who now claim that gun owners seeking to have their Constitutional rights upheld by their localities in the face of Progressives in Virginia's General Assembly who seek to pass unconstitutional infringements upon them as "wanting to be above the law".

The Progressive hypocrisy is astounding. The outright encourage the violation of laws they deem to be unconstitutional though the Supreme Court has never ruled they are and have the audacity to claim that law abiding Americans who simply seek to have their Constitutional rights reaffirmed in the face of proposals from Progressives that undermine the very rights provided all Americans.

Progressives will advocate for "due process" of immigration cases yet support the denial of due process of law as it relates to law abiding gun owners who must relinquish firearms under "red flag" laws without hearing or in the face of their accuser. Understand, no crime is being alleged. Progressive seek to remove ones firearms on accusation alone with only the word of the person whom has accused another.

Firearms by any definition are property. The government is seizing ones property without due process of law. Its as if Progressives seek to create a new class of imminent domain for the government to have the power to take property from individuals at will.

These Progressives in Richmond have been challenged for the last four year by leaders like Sen. Amanda Freeman Chase. Recently, Sen. Chase attended a second amendment meeting at Amelia Courthouse where the Amelia County Board of Supervisors heard from citizens concerned about the newly proposed gun bans by Virginia Progressives.

Sen. Chase stated:
“I’m encouraged and excited that so many citizens understand the importance of the Second Amendment and its ability to protect all of the other freedoms that we have. It is a basic fundamental right, and the number of people coming out tonight shows that there’s tremendous support, even now.”

Earlier this year, Governor Ralph Northam vetoed a bill passed by the General Assembly that would not permit localities in implement "immigration" sanctuaries to shelter undocumented immigrants from federal laws. In truth this veto actually by default encourages such sanctuaries. Virginia in a Dillon Rule Commonwealth and the localities may only infer powers over citizens that it (State) expressly confers them the power to do so thus if Northam had passed the bill restricting the immigration sanctuaries the localities would no longer be ale to legally implement said policy.

Now you have Virginia Progressive leaders speaking on banning "gun sanctuaries" by law as a means of silencing the 2A gun sanctuary movement sweeping across the Commonwealth of Virginia.

It is clear, Virginia Progressives will do everything necessary to shelter and protect illegally present individuals in the Commonwealth over upholding the Constitutional rights of law abiding Virginia gun owners.

Just as Progressives seek to protect the illegal, Second Amendment supporters want nothing but to prevent their rights from being infringed. The movement's purpose is merely to reaffirm the rights already provided and granted by our Founders. 2A supporters are not asking localities to "break" the law  as immigration sanctuaries encourage but rather honor the tradition of the laws in place.

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