Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Virginia Patriots Winning: Progressives Out Flanked

Politicians tend to either be very cunning or very foolish. Virginia Progressive Democrats have doubled down on the latter.

"We're looking at banning the sales of assault weapons ... that would be what we would                                             start with." (Gov. Ralph Northam- Virginia)

Virginia Progressives have attempted to use what they consider a voter mandate from the November elections to move Virginia's gun policy into the realm of what can only be consider "Fool's Gold". Pushing an agenda in truth that most Democrats never even campaigned on. Led by State Senator Dick Saslaw (D-Alexandria) who characterized fellow Virginians who owned guns "delusional", the Northern Virginia Progressives in the Senate and the House now have as one Rockbridge County resident speaking at a Second Amendment Sanctuary hearing termed it; "stirred the pot".

That "pot" has become a resistance movement throughout the Commonwealth not organized by a Party or some outside outside Virginia advocacy group. Not organized by the National Rifle Association as Democrats in Richmond contend but rather individual Virginians mobilizing in support of the Constitution and whom reject the blatant and boastful attempts by Virginia Progressives to confiscate or force gun registration in Virginia.

No one believes that the Progressives will stop with registration though it now appears as though they have over played their political hands in terms of confiscation. Progressives have long sought to eliminate the sale of what they deem to be "assault style" weapons. Of course they rarely will speak coherently with any clarity on exactly what that firearm is. Progressives attempt to use the AR-15 as its symbol for a classification of firearm that actually really does not even exist. Progressives use the symbol simply as a means of covering up that its true goal is to remove all long rifles and ultimately handguns from citizens.

The pre-files that Progressives have filed tipped their hand to the people of Virginia. The bills filed in the Senate for consideration in January by the General Assembly are very alarming and telling as to the kind of "New Virginia" that Progressive seek to create. A Virginia where the common citizen is unable to defend themselves and must become subjects to Richmond authority over their localities through threats of withholding state funding to those areas of the Commonwealth that do not bow to the totalitarianism of the Progressive Socialists in Richmond.

By they "stirred the pot". They manage to do something the Republican Party has been unable to do for almost almost six years in Virginia; unite Conservative and Libertarians right leaning voters with a single purpose.

That single purpose is to oppose the "New Virginia" legislation that Progressives seek to enact.

To that end, Governor Ralph Northam (D) is already retreating before the massive mobilizations where local agenda meeting are witnessing the highest level of turnout for local meetings than anyone can remember. Whereas as local meeting may have typically a dozen or so citizens, the last two weeks has drawn over a thousand citizens to meetings all the way from Virginia Beach to Bristol.

The Governor has noticed.

As it stands this morning, thew word in Richmond is that Northam is backing away from mandatory confiscation. This is a direct result of the almost 80 supported "Gun Sanctuaries" established throughout Virginia. These sanctuaries refuse to enforce any law enacted by the Assembly that would infringe on the Constitutional rights of any of its residents. The localities have the conferred police powers from the State and will not enforce locally those laws enacted by Progressives that violate individual rights, freedoms and liberties.

Northam's recent "grandfather clause" position would require gun owners with "assault style" rifles to "register" them with the State.

Meaning that Northam and Majority leader Saslaw will abandon the goal of out right gun confiscation but rather shift towards registration in their attempt to control guns in Virginia. This control inevitably will lead to one of the very issue that drove our revolution; taxation.

Why would citizen be required to register firearms if not for the purposes of taxation? Currently the firearms dealer maintain records of gun sales following background checks and a formal purchase. The serial number is used to identity the gun NOT the purchaser as it stands today as law enforcement can track a serial number to find out where a firearm was purchased then visit the federally authorized dealer to investigate the providence of the firearm. This in effect protects privacy.

Law abiding citizens would never have their firearms traced by law enforcement. There would never be a need to do so. The Northam plan however, means that every firearm and purchase ( as in the individual) will be registered. Progressives will also seek to limit the number of firearms one can actually own in totality not just purchase in certain time windows.

The fact that progressives are retreating and scrambling from forced confiscation is a victory but merely a skirmish victory in the face of the legislation Virginia faces coming in January.

Further posts related to sanctuary movement:

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