Friday, December 20, 2019

"Santa Claus" Northam: Virginia Budgets 138 Billion in Spending

   “Santa Claus Northam is going to have to get a second sleigh to carry all of these presents and goodies that he wants to extend to the citizens”  State Sen. Tommy Norment (R) James City County

Governor Ralph Northam (D) of Virginia has released his proposed Progressive budget plan including a 138 billion spending allocation. An 11.3% increase over last years budget of 124 billion.

The election last month delivered Northam control of the entire General Assembly which he believes is a mandate for his proposals moving forward. There is little the Republican minority can do. This is a new paradigm for Virginia Republicans whom are not used to being the "opposition" Party in Richmond.

The budget and spending increases to many appear excessive of course. The economy is strong and has delivered an opportunity it seems to Progressives to increase spending. An economy that Progressives refuse to give President Trump credit for but none the less appear to recognize that recession worries over the next two years are low.

Only problem is what happens if Trump is defeated at the ballot box next November? Would not the markets sell off? Would not the economy and all its indicators take a hit? Projections based on the budget proposal appear to reflect Northam does not believe Trump will be defeated and the economy will continue to grow. Northam is banking on the Virginia economy continuing to grow at about 4% per year.

State Senator Tommy Norment (R) now in the minority characterized the budget as coming from "Santa Claus Northam" and would require a second sleigh to hold all of "presents" being offered up in the Governor's plan.

Northam is proposing a thirty cent increase in the tax on tobacco related products that he states will go to offset healthcare related expenses from tobacco related health issues that the state healthcare programs must pick up that Medicaid will not cover.

Ironically, it was Virginia Democrats who pushed for expanding the Medicaid and thus the number of people covered throughout Virginia that has contributed to potential increases in the funding shortfalls in this area.

Another remnant from the Affordable Care Act (ACA) or Obamacare costing State millions of unadvertised expenses in truth by those who sold the ACA on the American people. States continue to deal with the ramifications of the legislation that many on both sides of the political spectrum  believe is a failure.

But, to understand whether or not its a failure or not really misses the underlying truth. ACA and expansion of Medicaid was NEVER about CARE. It was solely a political end around to get more people on the health insurance rolls. And in doing so, who has benefited? You? Most Virginians have seen the cost of healthcare rise not decline under the last two Democrat Governors in Virginia. ACA permitted them to expand Medicaid eligibility often referred to as "Medicaid Expansion" program that know created a situation that requires the State to increase taxes in areas to cover many of its provisions.

We all are familiar with "Bait and Switch" but what Progressives do is "Create and Tax". Progressives created the problem and shortfalls but they were not alone. Some Republicans went right along with them in the area of Medicaid expansion.

Northam has proposed raising the Virginia gas tax to thirty four cents per gallon. The current rate is twenty two cents and while one of the lower rates in the nation, Progressives seek to mirror rates to Virginia north where rates are more than twice and sometime three time higher than Virginia. Add in the potential for further toll road increases in Virginia and consumers face higher monthly costs.

Again, Progressive demands for more and more fuel efficient cars drives the revenue down so what is the response from Progressives; raise taxes. Again, Progressives create a problem in which they have to raise taxes to address the very problem their own policies create in the first place.

How can Virginia ensure that purchasers of electric or hybrid autos participate in the revenue generation required to fund road projects, infrastructure and schools if they are not purchasing fuel?

We all believe we need to spend more and that teachers should be paid more. Northam's education plan seeks to transfer more of the lottery revenue to dedicated school districts and also to implement a tax on gambling machines (slots) throughout the state that he perceives as the reason for lottery ticket sales decline in recent years. Again another tax.

All you will hear from thje media is the increase in education funding by Progressives. They will tell you that Progressives are keeping their promise to voters but they really are not. Much of the funding proposed for education will never make its way to the classroom in truth. The bulk of the funding goes directly to what is known as  "re-benchmarking".

Re-benchmarking is a legislative budget process that adjusts current funding levels for education for inflation as well as the current student enrollment in public education. This enrollment is increasing. Thus due to benchmarking in the process these funding proposals are not "new" funding or "new" investments in our schools in truth.

While increases in teacher pay, dedicated special needs funding and hiring additional educators is supported by almost everyone, Virginia is yet again left with a rising education budget with little done to address the systemic problems that exist in the public school system through the Commonwealth.

Many conservatives opposing the Governor's call for gun safety also recognize that the Governor appears to have allocated in excess of 100 million towards Public Safety via Department of Corrections. Is Northam foreshadowing Virginia requiring more resources for corrections due to Progressive efforts to make gun possession in Virginia a felony with up to five years incarceration "per offense" or meaning for each firearm in ones possession?

No where do we see the Progressives making school safer. No where do we see increasing the budget for resource officer hires or permitting conceal carry programs for teachers or school officials to ensure the safety of Virginia's children. Instead we see a Governor increasing the spending for Corrections in anticipation of increases in those sentenced to prison.

Again. Progressives will create the problem. They will enact gun restrictions in violation of the Constitution thus creating a situation where they will have to arrest, try, convict and ultimately jail individual citizens simply for performing a right provided by the US Constitution until such time the Progressive legislation is deemed unconstitutional.

This is the New Virginia Progressive Left in action.

Below are links to the budget proposal.

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