Sunday, December 29, 2019
The Impacts of Progressive Outrage: Stress, Anger and Anxiety upon Society
Sound the alarm. That's right. A trend that should concern every American is the impacts of what can only be described as "mental anxiety" is having on our society today.
If you examine the rise of anxiety from a "political" perspective one merely has to open up any social media platform and bear witness to the level of complete collapse of social interactions resulting from political discourse that has come of the rails.
In truth, we as a society are actually socializing less. One could argue that the great promise of "social media" has failed society. While pitching that these social platforms would "connect" us all, what they have really done is isolate us into "tribes" even further. The worse part about this is the social media concerns know this and are capitalizing on it.
Look at the Progressive response since 2016 to the election of Donald Trump. An election that has created such anxiety on the American left that society has witnessed tweet after tweet of how citizens can no longer "function", "work" or "cope" within their own lives and communities simply because the mere though of Trump as President creates such anxiety.
How does Trump haves this power? Have Progressives simply ceded the power to him? A power that has in turn has created such level of anger, frustration, distrust, and in some instances "hate" in people that they would surrender their own mental health to a political figure such as Trump and then blame him for their own circumstance.
Some used to e ale to argue that it was the "economy" that created such anxiety. The lack of opportunity, access to employment or in the last decade access to healthcare. These were the areas that were pointed to the most. However, in 2019 the American economy is sitting at historic levels. Unemployment figures are the lowest they have been in almost fifty years and more women and minorities are gainfully employed than ever in our nations history. Middle class wages are on the rise and the Trump tax cuts are working for the benefit of millions of Americans.
Of course, the Progressive dismiss much of the economy that has been delivered. They deny the Trump economy yet very few potential nominees on the left during the Primary Debates wish to speak on the state of economy. They leave their allies in the media to do that bidding.
Is it this "bidding" that is fact is creating the anxiety of young people in our society. This notion that everything Trump does is wrong and should be opposed? That out of the rejection of the Trump persona that everything Trump does is either wrong or misguided paying little to no attention to the success of any policy or proposal?
It appears for the first time in decades American life expectancy is declining. What is it that is creating this and why does it appear that America's younger generations are leading more destructive lives than previous generations?
Where is the stress coming from exactly? Stress by far is a major contributor to poor health. Often leading to depression, anxiety and other mental illnesses. Are people feeling worse about themselves and ultimately there lives simply because of who half the country elected as President? If so, is this simply not a condition or mental deficiency that the American physchological community must address?
The number one concern we have been told that voters have in healthcare. Yet within the last five years, healthcare has been delivered to them via the Affordable Care Act (ACA) or Obamacare. This is what Progressives wanted and fought for and was delivered by Congress. The issue of healthcare was supposed to be addressed by ACA but was it? Now almost ten years post the passage of ACA, how can healthcare still e an over riding issue for voters if ACA was successful in fulfilling its promise.
Fact is, ACA was not successful. So much so that Progressives are running away from it in favor of the "new" political wedge issue for the upcoming election; Medicare for All.
The worry and stress related to healthcare creates a level of uncertainty in peoples lives all across the country. The left will convince their tribe its the Republicans to blame and yet ACA was their plan. It was their dream to bring healthcare to the masses but what they failed to tell everyone is who it was actually going to benefit in truth and who got very very rich from its passage.
Was the anxiety and stress of families relieved? Of course not. But instead of admitting the fact that Democrat polices are failing our cities and ACA has been an utter failure nationally. Progressives take no responsibility instead convincing its ranks its Trump to blame for all their worries.
If "we" just stop Trump all will get better. That is the pitch. "We" must impeach him "now". Yet the Progressives now after voting for impeachment fail to send over the impeachment to the Senate for trial THUS extending the peoples anguish and frustration through the holiday season but of course its the Republicans fault.
Is it any wonder why people are dealing with such stress given the 24/7 media quibbling over Trump all day every day. Is it any wonder more and more Americans are under a prescribed medication than ever before in our nations history and that the U.S. life expectancy is now declining.
The leading cause of death in the U.S. still remains heart disease. One of the major factors influencing heart disease is "uncontrolled stress, anger and anxiety". Is it any wonder why it is our cities experiencing more instances of stress, anger and anxiety than our nations rural areas? Is it a coincidence that the policies that govern most major cities in the U.S. are Progressive? Is there are direct correlation between rising taxes, healthcare costs, fees and living expenses that impact the quality of life for Americans and stress, anger and anxiety?
Why is it that so many Progressives appear to be so angry? Is it solely Trump? Or is it the simply a refusal to acknowledge that what they profess to believe in and the Party they endeavor to support has continued to fail them?
If President Trump in fact impacts your quality of life, mental state, levels of stress, anger and anxiety than by all means seek out the professional help you so clearly require. Subscribing to the notion that if you blame others like Trump for your condition and it will somehow relieve your own responsibility for your stress, anger and anxiety you simply are buying modern "snake oil" or "exlixir" being peddled to you by the political class.
Progressive outrage is unhealthy. Its unhealthy for individuals but also for our society at large. We are seeing the best economy in a century. We are witnessing almost full employment and rising wages for the first time in decades and yet at the very same time seeing higher instances of stress, anger and anxiety.
Could the rise be associated possibly with the constant media portrayal (propaganda) that incites such conditions. The increased use of social media within our culture?
Regardless of your political persuasion, if the media is creating stress, anger or anxiety in your life do yourself a favor and turn it off. Your health is more important and you are more important to your family and friends than the next election.
Saturday, December 21, 2019
Virginia Republicans Must Reject the "Alt-Right" and Nick Fuentes
“I thought it was an important moment for this segment of the Right Wing, which is far more concerned with culture and heritage than tax policy, to come together in a show of solidarity for our cause."
(Nick Fuentes, America First Charlottesville "Unite the Right " rally 2017)
A "call to arms" for all Virginia Republicans.
All Virginia Conservatives and The State GOP with every political apparatus mechanism at its disposal must disavow the toxic, racist, anti-semitic, homophobic and xenophobic "alt right" Groyper movement and Nick Fuentes.
"Alt right" conservative extremists calling themselves "groypers"- supporters of the alt-right movement and white nationalism are led nationally by twenty something, college drop out Nick Fuentes. Fuentes calls his ilk the "Pepe soldiers" after the Pepe the Frog illustration commonly scene on supporters pages and twitter feeds in support of a white, male, heterosexual dominated American culture where white nationalism reigns supreme. Furthermore, Groypers believe in strict immigration restrictionalism as well as anti-gay and anti-Jew policies.
Fuentes supporters believe that America owes no allegiance or support for Israel in direct contrast to the majority of Conservatives and the Republican Party. They are diehard Holocaust deniers and believe and advance every single Jewish conspiracy theory around.
“They will never engage with ideas or people who haven’t been green lighted by this cabal of Zionist & big business interests that control the American Right. This is why you’ll never get anything more than sterilized, inoffensive ‘conservatarianism’ that serves the status quo.” (Nick Fuentes)
Instead offensive, toxic, hate rhetoric reigns with Nick Fuentes and the alt right on social media platforms and numerous blog and news feeds.
Fuentes is known for pushing the euphemism that Jews during the Holocaust were like "cookies backing in the oven". His support for the NSM (National Socialist Movement) and (LS) League of the South white separatist groups should alarm every single Virginia conservative.
Does the Republican Party really need this influence?
While many Conservative leaders in both the Party and the media reject Nick Fuentes, people like Michelle Malkin appear now to be embracing his movement. Many see that Malkin may simply be hedging bets. The bestselling author was once prominent in the Conservative ranks but has slowly disappeared from the media landscape. Routinely appearing on major conservative talk shows and radio casts for years, Malkin now is nothing more than a "back bencher" of conservative relevance.
Much of this may be her refusal to denounce the alt right and people like Fuentes.
In truth, Malkin has alienated fellow conservatives in the media space like Ben Shapiro (@BenShapiro) and others. Shapiro's radio show has been exposing the alt right for two years in terms of its white nationalism and how this band of "groypers" fuels the Progressive narratives against true conservatives in the Republican Party. Some claim that Fuentes is a mere plant bent on undermining the Republican Party from within.
If you look at history, Fuentes and his followers simply are following the path that Hitler took in Germany to rise through the political system and ultimately winning control of party forces and ultimately politically securing leadership. It was not something that happened over night. It took almost a decade and a half post World War I. It was accomplished while majority of the German population never took Hitler and his support seriously. This appears the case with Fuentes.
Fuentes is using social media platforms to create a hate-based community of support set upon blaming others for their lot in life. The community is mostly young but their are forces from the mature Neo-Nazi elements in America that see America First as a vehicle to grow their own ranks. Fuentes ever the attention seeker is more than willing to be complicit to this end.
Michelle Malkin in effect has disavowed Shapiro for sounding the alarm to all Conservatives regarding Fuentes and his support for the most extreme proponents of hate throughout the word. Malkin really has fallen from grace in the time of Trump that many considered she would become a prominent figure of the conservative movement.
Instead Malkin has been virtually non existent during the Russia hox and impeachment. Malkin simply may have ultimately been her own worst enemy through her own poor judgement in not condemning Fuentes or her belief she could capitalize on what she may have perceived as a growing movement.
Virginia Republicans ought not make the same mistake. The State GOP must disavow the alt right and Nick Fuentes and do so publicly.
It is never easy for an political party to turn votes away intentionally or to disavow a group or block of voters but this is exactly what Republicans must do. In order to grow the Party as the Virginia GOP must do in order to be competitive in statewide elections there is NO place for the alt right or the influence of Nick Fuentes and his followers.
Fuentes has supported such extremist as neo-Nazi Gliad Atzmon. London today is ground zero for a growing anti-immigrant, anti-jew movement that fortunately was just diminished by the recent elections and gains made by the Conservative Party. Nevertheless, Fuentes is on board supporting extremist glorified by radical American academia like Atzmon author of "The Wandering Who?"
"I believe that from certain ideological perspective, Israel is actually far worse than Nazi Germany."
(Gliad Atzmon)- supported by John Mearshemier Professor Political Science University of Chicago and co-author of "The Israeli Lobby"
The Progressives seek to characterize this as "Trump's America". Of course they are wrong. The super majority of Americans are not aligned with any of this. That being said, its very hard to make the case against "The Squad" and other Progressive anti-semites when Conservative groups refuse to disavow Fuentes and America First. Neo-Nazi mentality was with here long before Trump and will remain long after he leaves office. The effort today to tie it to Trump is simply political expediency by the left but why help the cause by having associations on any level with such groups or sites that promote such movements.
Virginia witnessed backlash to Corey Stewart (R) with his tenuous association with Jason Kessler and an attempt to leverage alt right fringe groups to win the Republican nomination to run for Governor. Stewart would lose of course and then lose again for a bid for US Senate against Tim Kaine. Was it a political calculus by Stewart or his true belief systems that led him in to the arms of the alt right extremists?
Frankly, much of politics is about optics. Much of the lose Virginia Republicans across the Commonwealth have experienced can e laid in part at the fee of Corey Stewart and the decisions made in his campaigns to advance alt right extremism in the name of Virginia Republicans.
There is little place or should be little place for the alt right in the Virginia GOP and no credence should be provided to candidates endorsing such belief systems. There is nothing "conservative" about the alt right. Permitting the State GOP to be co-opted by such groups is a threat to all Virginia Republicans who continue to see Virginian move further and further left.
The biggest example of this today is the necessity for the 2A Gun Sanctuary Movement in Virginia. The sanctuary movement is a direct result of the State GOP not recognizing that the messaging has had no clarity and the Party allowed its opposition to define it. Now, thousands of Virginians on their own are taking to rallies rejecting not only the Progressives but also a Republican Party of Virginia that has lost is way.
One way the State GOP can reset the compass and find its way back is to publicly reject the alt right and the influence of Nick Fuentes and America First and make it clear there is no place for such hate in the Republican Party of Virginia.
To not do so is to usher in a decade of Republican defeat. A proposition which in truth is very appealing to many in the alt right movement.
Friday, December 20, 2019
Virginia Grassroots in 2020: "Call to Arms" Congressional Seats
The above map represents the 11 Congressional Districts in Virginia. All of these Congressional Representatives will be on the ballot in 2020.
This map represents the #2AStrong Gun Sanctuary Movement in Virginia rejecting the proposition laid out by Governor Ralph Northam and the Northern Virginia Progressives to ban firearms and require firearm registration as well as restrict training or use with children. Progressives claim to have moved away from "confiscation" but it still remains a dedicated position with many in the Party.
If you look at the two maps you will see that the majority of localities in Virginia support the U.S. Constitution and the Second Amendment (2A).
Because every single district is on the ballot next November, it is time that the #2AStrong movement begin to transition to looking at these elections in 2020 as an opportunity to make a national statement regarding Progressive aggression and oppression.
The notion that Rep. Donald McEachin VA04 and Jennifer Wexton VA10 would support the Governor of Virginia to call on the VA National Guard to cease firearms from Virginians is absolutely unconscionable and worse Rep. Elaine Luria VA02 , and Rep. Abigail Spanberger VA07 refused to address the question when posed to them
Wexton, Luria and Spanberger all won seats on the House of Representatives in 2018.
Its time Virginians take them back.
The only way this can be done is through coordination. Many groups have been working on the 2A fight against Richmond. That has been their focus. The rallies in Richmond at the Capital in January will provide an opportunity for Virginians to demonstrate resolve.
This resolve however must not end with the rally or "Lobby Day" in January before the General Assembly.
We must coordinate throughout the Commonwealth to unify our voice and messaging so to come together to remove those Representative that represent a "clear and present" danger to our Constitution and our future.
It is NOT simply 2A.
The Republicans control just four of the eleven Congressional Districts in Virginia.
Rob Wittman (R) VA01
Denber Riggleman (R) VA05
Ben Cline (R) VA06
Morgan Griffith (R) VA09
Again examine the map above.
Its time that we start laying the foundation to defeat the following Progressives. (in order of dedicated resources)
Abigail Spanberger (D)VA07 (Trump District 2016)
Elaine Luria (D) VA02 (Trump District 2016)
Jennifer Wexton (D) VA10 (Comstock's old District)
We must hold every seat Republicans currently hold in Virginia. Do so and winning the above three races (if not others) the Delegation will have been flipped from 4-7 to 7-4.
The remaining Districts must be challenged as well.
Donald McEachin VA04
Don Beyer VA08
Gerry Connolly VA11
Bobby Scott VA03
This can only happen if everyone works together and stays ahead of the political curve throughout 2020.
What can we do today?
(In addition to 2A support)
1. Get everyone you know to REGISTER TO VOTE
2. Get Family, Friends, Co-Workers , Fellow Worshipers Engaged
3. Find out your Representative
4. Like or Follow the Challengers to Progressives on Facebook
5. Volunteer early in 2020 for a District campaign locally
6. Create a Local Campaign of Support (get Candidates to come to your events locally)
7. Share Links on Social Media from Candidates (use hashtags/twitter handles)
8. Contribute TIME
Make no mistake. Millions was flooded into Virginia this year to flip the State Assembly. There will come a time that we all will have to step up to support our candidates with donations or contributions to support their campaigns OR support a Political Action Committee (PAC) who will direct those contributions to supporting candidates throughout the Commonwealth in 2020.
The first step however is to GET ENGAGED!!
We must start in January and work together throughout the entire Spring and Summer to Fall together in the name of Freedom and Liberty.
@TurnVaRedAgain (twitter)
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"Santa Claus" Northam: Virginia Budgets 138 Billion in Spending
“Santa Claus Northam is going to have to get a second sleigh to carry all of these presents and goodies that he wants to extend to the citizens” State Sen. Tommy Norment (R) James City County
Governor Ralph Northam (D) of Virginia has released his proposed Progressive budget plan including a 138 billion spending allocation. An 11.3% increase over last years budget of 124 billion.
The election last month delivered Northam control of the entire General Assembly which he believes is a mandate for his proposals moving forward. There is little the Republican minority can do. This is a new paradigm for Virginia Republicans whom are not used to being the "opposition" Party in Richmond.
The budget and spending increases to many appear excessive of course. The economy is strong and has delivered an opportunity it seems to Progressives to increase spending. An economy that Progressives refuse to give President Trump credit for but none the less appear to recognize that recession worries over the next two years are low.
Only problem is what happens if Trump is defeated at the ballot box next November? Would not the markets sell off? Would not the economy and all its indicators take a hit? Projections based on the budget proposal appear to reflect Northam does not believe Trump will be defeated and the economy will continue to grow. Northam is banking on the Virginia economy continuing to grow at about 4% per year.
State Senator Tommy Norment (R) now in the minority characterized the budget as coming from "Santa Claus Northam" and would require a second sleigh to hold all of "presents" being offered up in the Governor's plan.
Northam is proposing a thirty cent increase in the tax on tobacco related products that he states will go to offset healthcare related expenses from tobacco related health issues that the state healthcare programs must pick up that Medicaid will not cover.
Ironically, it was Virginia Democrats who pushed for expanding the Medicaid and thus the number of people covered throughout Virginia that has contributed to potential increases in the funding shortfalls in this area.
Another remnant from the Affordable Care Act (ACA) or Obamacare costing State millions of unadvertised expenses in truth by those who sold the ACA on the American people. States continue to deal with the ramifications of the legislation that many on both sides of the political spectrum believe is a failure.
But, to understand whether or not its a failure or not really misses the underlying truth. ACA and expansion of Medicaid was NEVER about CARE. It was solely a political end around to get more people on the health insurance rolls. And in doing so, who has benefited? You? Most Virginians have seen the cost of healthcare rise not decline under the last two Democrat Governors in Virginia. ACA permitted them to expand Medicaid eligibility often referred to as "Medicaid Expansion" program that know created a situation that requires the State to increase taxes in areas to cover many of its provisions.
We all are familiar with "Bait and Switch" but what Progressives do is "Create and Tax". Progressives created the problem and shortfalls but they were not alone. Some Republicans went right along with them in the area of Medicaid expansion.
Northam has proposed raising the Virginia gas tax to thirty four cents per gallon. The current rate is twenty two cents and while one of the lower rates in the nation, Progressives seek to mirror rates to Virginia north where rates are more than twice and sometime three time higher than Virginia. Add in the potential for further toll road increases in Virginia and consumers face higher monthly costs.
Again, Progressive demands for more and more fuel efficient cars drives the revenue down so what is the response from Progressives; raise taxes. Again, Progressives create a problem in which they have to raise taxes to address the very problem their own policies create in the first place.
How can Virginia ensure that purchasers of electric or hybrid autos participate in the revenue generation required to fund road projects, infrastructure and schools if they are not purchasing fuel?
We all believe we need to spend more and that teachers should be paid more. Northam's education plan seeks to transfer more of the lottery revenue to dedicated school districts and also to implement a tax on gambling machines (slots) throughout the state that he perceives as the reason for lottery ticket sales decline in recent years. Again another tax.
All you will hear from thje media is the increase in education funding by Progressives. They will tell you that Progressives are keeping their promise to voters but they really are not. Much of the funding proposed for education will never make its way to the classroom in truth. The bulk of the funding goes directly to what is known as "re-benchmarking".
Re-benchmarking is a legislative budget process that adjusts current funding levels for education for inflation as well as the current student enrollment in public education. This enrollment is increasing. Thus due to benchmarking in the process these funding proposals are not "new" funding or "new" investments in our schools in truth.
While increases in teacher pay, dedicated special needs funding and hiring additional educators is supported by almost everyone, Virginia is yet again left with a rising education budget with little done to address the systemic problems that exist in the public school system through the Commonwealth.
Many conservatives opposing the Governor's call for gun safety also recognize that the Governor appears to have allocated in excess of 100 million towards Public Safety via Department of Corrections. Is Northam foreshadowing Virginia requiring more resources for corrections due to Progressive efforts to make gun possession in Virginia a felony with up to five years incarceration "per offense" or meaning for each firearm in ones possession?
No where do we see the Progressives making school safer. No where do we see increasing the budget for resource officer hires or permitting conceal carry programs for teachers or school officials to ensure the safety of Virginia's children. Instead we see a Governor increasing the spending for Corrections in anticipation of increases in those sentenced to prison.
Again. Progressives will create the problem. They will enact gun restrictions in violation of the Constitution thus creating a situation where they will have to arrest, try, convict and ultimately jail individual citizens simply for performing a right provided by the US Constitution until such time the Progressive legislation is deemed unconstitutional.
This is the New Virginia Progressive Left in action.
Below are links to the budget proposal.
Governor Ralph Northam (D) of Virginia has released his proposed Progressive budget plan including a 138 billion spending allocation. An 11.3% increase over last years budget of 124 billion.
The election last month delivered Northam control of the entire General Assembly which he believes is a mandate for his proposals moving forward. There is little the Republican minority can do. This is a new paradigm for Virginia Republicans whom are not used to being the "opposition" Party in Richmond.
The budget and spending increases to many appear excessive of course. The economy is strong and has delivered an opportunity it seems to Progressives to increase spending. An economy that Progressives refuse to give President Trump credit for but none the less appear to recognize that recession worries over the next two years are low.
Only problem is what happens if Trump is defeated at the ballot box next November? Would not the markets sell off? Would not the economy and all its indicators take a hit? Projections based on the budget proposal appear to reflect Northam does not believe Trump will be defeated and the economy will continue to grow. Northam is banking on the Virginia economy continuing to grow at about 4% per year.
State Senator Tommy Norment (R) now in the minority characterized the budget as coming from "Santa Claus Northam" and would require a second sleigh to hold all of "presents" being offered up in the Governor's plan.
Northam is proposing a thirty cent increase in the tax on tobacco related products that he states will go to offset healthcare related expenses from tobacco related health issues that the state healthcare programs must pick up that Medicaid will not cover.
Ironically, it was Virginia Democrats who pushed for expanding the Medicaid and thus the number of people covered throughout Virginia that has contributed to potential increases in the funding shortfalls in this area.
Another remnant from the Affordable Care Act (ACA) or Obamacare costing State millions of unadvertised expenses in truth by those who sold the ACA on the American people. States continue to deal with the ramifications of the legislation that many on both sides of the political spectrum believe is a failure.
But, to understand whether or not its a failure or not really misses the underlying truth. ACA and expansion of Medicaid was NEVER about CARE. It was solely a political end around to get more people on the health insurance rolls. And in doing so, who has benefited? You? Most Virginians have seen the cost of healthcare rise not decline under the last two Democrat Governors in Virginia. ACA permitted them to expand Medicaid eligibility often referred to as "Medicaid Expansion" program that know created a situation that requires the State to increase taxes in areas to cover many of its provisions.
We all are familiar with "Bait and Switch" but what Progressives do is "Create and Tax". Progressives created the problem and shortfalls but they were not alone. Some Republicans went right along with them in the area of Medicaid expansion.
Northam has proposed raising the Virginia gas tax to thirty four cents per gallon. The current rate is twenty two cents and while one of the lower rates in the nation, Progressives seek to mirror rates to Virginia north where rates are more than twice and sometime three time higher than Virginia. Add in the potential for further toll road increases in Virginia and consumers face higher monthly costs.
Again, Progressive demands for more and more fuel efficient cars drives the revenue down so what is the response from Progressives; raise taxes. Again, Progressives create a problem in which they have to raise taxes to address the very problem their own policies create in the first place.
How can Virginia ensure that purchasers of electric or hybrid autos participate in the revenue generation required to fund road projects, infrastructure and schools if they are not purchasing fuel?
We all believe we need to spend more and that teachers should be paid more. Northam's education plan seeks to transfer more of the lottery revenue to dedicated school districts and also to implement a tax on gambling machines (slots) throughout the state that he perceives as the reason for lottery ticket sales decline in recent years. Again another tax.
All you will hear from thje media is the increase in education funding by Progressives. They will tell you that Progressives are keeping their promise to voters but they really are not. Much of the funding proposed for education will never make its way to the classroom in truth. The bulk of the funding goes directly to what is known as "re-benchmarking".
Re-benchmarking is a legislative budget process that adjusts current funding levels for education for inflation as well as the current student enrollment in public education. This enrollment is increasing. Thus due to benchmarking in the process these funding proposals are not "new" funding or "new" investments in our schools in truth.
While increases in teacher pay, dedicated special needs funding and hiring additional educators is supported by almost everyone, Virginia is yet again left with a rising education budget with little done to address the systemic problems that exist in the public school system through the Commonwealth.
Many conservatives opposing the Governor's call for gun safety also recognize that the Governor appears to have allocated in excess of 100 million towards Public Safety via Department of Corrections. Is Northam foreshadowing Virginia requiring more resources for corrections due to Progressive efforts to make gun possession in Virginia a felony with up to five years incarceration "per offense" or meaning for each firearm in ones possession?
No where do we see the Progressives making school safer. No where do we see increasing the budget for resource officer hires or permitting conceal carry programs for teachers or school officials to ensure the safety of Virginia's children. Instead we see a Governor increasing the spending for Corrections in anticipation of increases in those sentenced to prison.
Again. Progressives will create the problem. They will enact gun restrictions in violation of the Constitution thus creating a situation where they will have to arrest, try, convict and ultimately jail individual citizens simply for performing a right provided by the US Constitution until such time the Progressive legislation is deemed unconstitutional.
This is the New Virginia Progressive Left in action.
Below are links to the budget proposal.
Wednesday, December 18, 2019
#2AStrong Tally Tops 100 Localities in Virginia
Virginians all over the Commonwealth have been engaging their local governments. The 2A Sanctuary Movement has been advanced by ordinary citizens doing the extraordinary.
While the Progressives attempt to paint the movement as merely being advanced by the NRA or the local Virginia Citizens Defense League nothing could be further from the truth. The majority of supporters and rally goers are not affiliated with the VCDL though they have been inundated with new membership applications as a result of the New Progressive Virginia Left seeking to confiscate, ban or require registrations of firearms.
Sure lobbying groups are the most familiar and easiest to target or blame in truth by the Progressives. They have been fighting the pro gun forces for a decade now and with the massive funding from Everytown for Gun Safety and Michael Bloomberg they secured the majority in Richmond last month.
That being said, local Democrats especially in rural localities are now getting extremely nervous. Many of these officials are gun owners. They are having to look family and friends in the eye locally and at church having to explain how this has come to pass. In short, its the Northern Virginia Progressive leadership behind all of it in wake of Gov. Ralph Northam's "blackface" episode earlier this year resulting in Northam losing all control of the Democrat Party. His apology tour is still rolling across the Commonwealth.
The mobilization of the grassroots #2AStrong movement has accomplished more than many though possible given the disastrous election last month. The gun control issues were never even made a fundamental issue by the Republican Party of Va and many attending rallies and meetings have stated they felt blindsided by the proposals coming from Progressives.
This just simply has never happened before. No matter which Party was in control in Richmond, no one ever felt insecure about having their firearms taken from them. Until now.
The following localities are in support of the #2AStrong Movement:
- Alleghany
- Amherst
- Appomattox
- Augusta
- Bath
- Bedford
- Big Stone Gap
- Bland
- Bluefield
- Botetourt
- Bristol
- Brunswick
- Buchanan
- Buckingham
- Campbell
- Caroline
- Carroll
- Charlotte
- Chesapeake
- Colonial Heights
- Craig
- Crewe
- Culpeper County
- Cumberland
- Dickenson
- Dinwiddie
- Town of Exmore
- Floyd
- Fluvanna County
- Franklin (City)
- Franklin (County)
- Frederick
- Galax
- Giles
- Gloucester
- Goochland
- Grayson
- Greene
- Greensville
- Town of Grottoes
- Halifax
- Hanover
- Henrico***no RESOLUTION
- Henry
- Isle of Wight
- James City
- King and Queen
- King George
- King William
- Lancaster
- Lee
- Louisa
- Lunenburg
- Madison
- Martinsville
- Mathews
- Mecklenburg County
- Middlesex
- Mineral
- Montgomery
- Nelson
- New Kent
- Northampton
- Northumberland
- Norton
- Nottoway
- Orange
- Page
- Patrick
- Pittsylvania
- Poquoson
- Powhatan
- Prince Edward
- Prince George
- Prince William
- Pulaski
- Rappahannock
- Richmond County
- Roanoke County
- Rockbridge
- Rockingham
- Rocky Mount
- Rural Retreat
- Russell
- Scott
- Shenandoah
- Smyth
- Southampton
- Spotsylvania
- Stafford
- Strasburg
- Surry
- Sussex
- Tazewell County
- Vinton
- Warren
- Washington
- Westmoreland
- Wise
- Wythe
- York
Tuesday, December 17, 2019
Gerrymandering: A Virginia Tradition
One growing question following the election last month in Virginia is how the new Democrat majority will view gerrymandering?
Gerrymandering is the manipulation of the electorate constituency boundaries for political benefit of one party over another.
Having secured the majority of the Virginia General Assembly and holding the Executive, the Virginia Democrats can dictate the state legislative agenda for the next two years until such time the House of Delegates and the Governorship are up for election again.
The next census is 2020 and it is this census that shall used to redraw the lines or boundaries for every district in Virginia. The Democrats will control this process. Many Democrats while in the minority supported efforts to review and reform redistricting. The question now remains whether now that the Democrats have the majority whether such calls for reform will be silenced.
Recently, the Supreme Court determined that the court has no jurisdiction over state redistricting. Last session the Assembly in Richmond passed a bipartisan redistricting reform amendment to the State Constitution. An amendment must be passed by two consecutive Assemblies before it can be consider for formal vote as an amendment by Virginians.
The question now becomes whether the Democrats will pass the amendment again in the upcoming sessions so that it may go to the voters. The concern in truth rests with many African American leaders in the Assembly who do not believe the current amendment proposal goes far enough to address the historic concerns they have had with regard to gerrymandering.
The fear some Progressives have in Northern Virginia is that inevitably the Virginia Supreme Court would have to intervene should the district maps come under dispute legally and Progressives have shown nothing but contempt for the state Supreme Court which they feel is hyper partisan in favor of Conservatives.
One important note regarding the amendment proposal passed in February 2019 is that it cannot e changed or altered in any way next session or the clock stops and must restarted requiring the next Assembly and the one in 2021 to support it before it may go to voters.
Most lawmakers and Virginians support a non partisan commission. The proposal is for sixteen members on the commission with eight lawmakers and eight citizens. If the Assembly passes the amendment proposal next session it will appear on the ballot next November. A date that has drawn some concern with lawmakers with 2020 being a Presidential cycle and the historical turnout in election cycles in Virginia when the Presidency is on the ballot. Many lawmakers would prefer 2021 when the Governorship is back on the ballot.
Republican had previously attempted to block maps drawn that benefited Democrats but the Supreme Court ruled that Republicans did not have legal grounds (rights) to challenge the maps in court that had initially be drawn but lower courts ruled were unconstitutional.
The Supreme Court ruling was 5-4. So much for the Progressive claims that the Republican nominated Justices somehow would be reshaping the country given both Justice Thomas and Gorsuch sided with the majority. No matter. Progressive still assert these Justices especially Gorsuch and Kavanaugh do not belong on the court.
There is no argument that this ruling by the Court laid the foundation for the Republican defeat in the Assembly last month. Many Virginians saw their districts redrawn preceding the elections of late. Progressives already appear split with the other Democrats.
Progressive Delegate Mark Levine attempting to throw wrench in the amendment approval process stated
I will be introducing redistricting reform legislation this year to allow computers to draw fair districts instead, based on a mathematical formula that benefits neither political party.
I will also be introducing a bill (my second choice) to keep the flawed commission but remove the Virginia Supreme Court from the process.
Democrats promised Virginians redistricting reform but will they deliver in 20202?
Spanberger in Trouble: And Blue Virginia Knows It
So last month was probably the most predictable election in Virginia history. That is really not a bold statement. Everything was aligned for the Democrats given the rather lackluster campaign season run by Virginia Republicans in 2019 in terms of message "unity".
The "experts" on the left did not predict anything groundbreaking in truth no matter they would like to tell you as they pound their chests.
The Democrats ran a coordinated effort and were heavily funded in most races. The races that counted anyway and the Democrats secured both the House of Delegates and the Senate. Little did Democrats (Virginia voters not insiders) know that that the victory last month may have also created its own fleas of sorts. A Party that remained so coordinated now is beginning to fracture every so slightly in large part to the upstart Progressives having taken over policy messaging.
Lets be completely honest.
The Progressvies like Sen. Saslaw, Delegates Mark Levine and Elizabeth Guzeman do not represent the majority of Virginia Democrats. They may of course represent the Northern Virginia Progressive mindset that is for the most part not even truly Virginian ( oops better watch that or they may call the blog a nativist site). Recent proposals of gun banning and registration are two prime examples of how Progressives are alienating roughly two thirds of Virginia localities.
Now, Virginia Democrats do not care today. The election has been won. The power lust so clearly evident has been fulfilled. Voters all but assured that but Progressives are hanging Democrat Delegates in many areas of the Commonwealth out to dry for 2021.
Yet, we do not even need to go that far out. In 2020, we will have a Presidential cycle and frankly Trump may be the one race that is rather inconsequential to Virginians in truth as far as the electoral college goes. Trump last month did not even visit the Commonwealth in large part because the State GOP appeared to run away from him this cycle (very poor judgement). The ones that truly maintained Trump messaging like State Senator Amanda Freeman Chase (R-Chesterfield) managed to win by almost ten points in her Senate re-election campaign and Republicans should be thankful given she could have easily lost in the face of Progressive advocacy funding and Republicans would be down one more seat in the Senate.
Keep in mind Republican leadership did not support Chase (will post about this soon) let alone very many of the other outwardly pro-Trump last month with funding.
The 2020 election will likely see Virginia go once again for a Democrat over Trump. Much may depend on what "brand" of Democrat wins the nomination but the Democrats have been winning now in Virginia statewide races rather handily with the arrival of Obama in 2008. However, the Congressional races are the ones to truly watch and Democrat pundits and shillers are nervous. Very nervous.
Why do we know this? How could this be following such victory in the General Assembly? The Assembly has not even convened for session yet and the attacks are already being launched against potential candidates that would challenge the incumbent Democrats in the House of Representatives.
Chaz Nuttycombe the new millennial Progressive political analyst mind power of the Virginia (not sure he can buy alcohol yet) Democrat Party - (ironically growing up in conservative Hanover County) recently managed to assert that rising GOP star Delegate Nick Freitas (VA-30) was simply another Charlie Kirk who the childish Nuttycombe characterizes as a "grifter".
Chaz Nuttycombe, Blue Virginia
It is clear that Nuttycombe has some real contempt for Turning Point USA and its engagement on college campuses nationwide because of course they belong almost entirely to Progressives right?
Here is how Nuttycombe describes Charlie Kirk of Turning Point USA. Pay particular attention to the Progressive code words---these must get taught at all the Progressive communications schools for the journalism schools are all but dead. "Spritual leader" is a direct shot at people of faith from Nuttycombe who appears to continually have an anti-Christian slant in his observations. How many other political organizations have their founder or Director referred to as a "spiritual leader"? Nuttycombe signals here "cult" and that is what he thinks Republicans in Virginia are in truth.
Charlie Kirk (1993[1]–) is an American right-wing grifter, professional meme maker, and diaper enthusiast. He is the founder and spiritual leader of Turning Point USA (TPUSA), which organizes bizarre conservative stunts on college campuses.
TPUSA claim that they’re a “youth organization that promotes the principles of fiscal responsibility, free markets, and limited government,” when in reality, they’re just a right-wing echo chamber for dying boomers and edgy white boys that takes any chance they can get to insult socialists. Most of their Twitter feed consists of calling out socialists for being “hypocrites”[2] (because apparently using an iPhone and buying things to survive instead of living in a cavemen commune invalidates all your anti-capitalist arguments), complaining about leftist propaganda in the curriculum,[3] making antisemitic and/or rape jokes,[4] sharing terrible memes, et cetera and et cetera.
If Turning Point USA is in fact an "echo chamber" than what is Blue Virginia exactly? Typical of the Progressives who apply standards to others they would never apply to themselves.
How does this relate to Delegate Nick Freitas? Well, the Progressives have targeted him as the likely winner of the convention nomination process next year to secure the VA07 nomination to challenge Rep. Abigail Spanberger. Spanberger who may have not supported Nancy Pelosi as Speaker of the House but has voted alongside her 94% of the time since arriving in Washington. Ex federal agent and CIA analyst (she will tell you this fact constantly), Spanberger now has become simply associated with what is wrong with Washington; the 'establishment" class of institutions reigns over the country and the Democrats place more emphasis on the institutions like the intelligence community or justice over the Constitution. Spanberger may have taken oaths to protect and defend the Constitution but voters clearly see her as someone that has sold out to Washington and her former colleagues in the establishment.
Freitas just recently won what may be the largest write in campaign in modern Virginia politics. In fact, many Progressive analysts believed he may lose his seat in the House of Delegates due to a missed filing deadline and having to run as a write in. They were wrong of course. Freitas has become a "brand" within the State GOP not unlike Senator Amanda Freeman Chase. Both get characterized by people like Nuttycombe as "far right" however Progressives see the momentum both are gaining during the 2A Gun Sanctuary movement spreading across the Commonwealth. Freitas has been at virtually every locality in the VA07 stumping at rallies and talking with voters outside local board meetings.
To Progressives like Nuttycombe, The Constitution is never a priority. Nuttycombe asserts that should either Nick Freitas or Delegate John McGuire whom both secured re-election last month were to win the nomination that the VA07 "the race would shift to LEAN D" from "Tilt D".
Nuttycombe is placing a large bet on an incumbent who won by less than 2% in 2018 in an historic election for Democrats when Trumps approval rating was much lower than it is today. And given Trumps rise in the polls and Spanberger's support for impeachment it is no surprise that the attacks are coming already by the Progressives to provide cover to Spanberger.
Rep. Abigail Spanberger D-VA07
Spanberger lost 8 out of 10 of the localities in the VA07 but still won the election in large part because she won the two suburban counties in Henrico and Chesterfield. Spanberger completely out campaigned incumbent David Brat (R) in Henrico County where she garnered twenty thousand more votes than Brat winning the county 58.67% to 40%. A quick look at the other localities demonstrates that even in 2018 the VA07 is a conservative leaning district regardless of what Progressive shillers like Nuttycombe profess.
Amelia County 66%-33% Brat
Chesterfield County 54%-45% Spanberger
Culpeper County- 58%-41% Brat (Nick Freitas House of Delegate District)
Goochland County- 60%-40% Brat
Henrico County- 59%-40% Spanberger
Louisa County- 58%-40% Brat
Nottoway County- 54%-45% Brat
Orange County - 59%-40% Brat
Powhatan County- 70%-29% Brat
Spotsylvanis County- 54%-44% Brat
Nuttycombe asserts on twitter regarding potential GOP nominees here:

Nuttycombe assertions completely underestimate the popularity of both Freitas and McGuire in the district. Both have won elections and in fact have better name id in many areas than Brat every had and yet Brat managed to win all but two localities.
So lets look at Nuttycombe's observation with some objectivity for a moment. Say he is correct. Say that both Freitas and McGuire would be a "blessing" to the Democrats how would that help Spanberger win any of the localities she lost in 2018? Fact is it would not and Progressives like Nuttycombe do not care anymore than Spanberger does.
The race for VA07 will be won in Chesterfield County and Henrico County where the majority of the votes are cast in the district: In 2018:
Abigail Spanberger secured 124,789 of her total vote count of roughly 176,000
David Brat secured 93,962 of his total vote count of roughly 169,000
Progressives understand that these two localities will determine the election and it is where the lions share of the media will be focused on. Nuttycombe dismisses if not ignores the rising gun sanctuary movement much to the Democrats demise in 2020.
Nuttycombe while dismissing Republicans in general, also underestimates the value in the Freitas campaign for the nomination to run for Senator against Corey Stewart who ultimately lost to Time Kaine (D). Worth pointing out as bad a candidate as Stewart was for the GOP, Kaine only beat Stewart in the VA07 by five points.
Kaine only did 1% better in 2018 than Spanberger in Chesterfield and Henrico against a really unpopular Republican candidate so taking these number into account and the recent State Senate race last month in Henrico County where the Republican incumbent Siobhan Dunnavant defeated Delegate Debra Rodman by just under two points and whereas State Senator Glen Sturtevant (R)lost his re-election bid he won the voting in Chesterfield County and Powhatan both part of the VA07.
Spanberger campaigned on behalf of Rodman in the 12th Virginia Senate District. Rodman lost in an election where Democrats secured the Virginia Senate.
To ignore what is currently happening on the ground in many of the localities in the VA07 is either an arrogance or simply just ignorance by the Progressive analysts. Virtually all the localities outside Henrico and Chesterfield have supported either resolutions or made affirmations that they do not support the proposed gun legislation by Progressives.
Are there thirty thousand votes out there in the VA07 to be secured to flip the VA07? You bet there are and the registration campaign in underway. This far roughly twenty percent of those in attendance at the rallies for gun sanctuaries did not participate in the 2018 election for the VA07. Participation in 2020 will not only help Trump expand his margins in 2020 from 2016 in the VA07 but will also bit into the vote count in Henrico and Chesterfield for Spanberger.
The Progressives know this of course. That is why they are attacking Nick Freitas now. Chesterfield County will e decisive battleground for Conservatives. Republicans will demand that the County controlled by a pro-Republican Board pass a 2A resolution affirming the Send Amendment. A County with almost 350,000 people has just been "poked" by the Progressives with their gun ban legislation.
Leslie Haley, Chair of the Chesterfield County Board of Supervisors runs the risk of losing support from her base Republicans if she does not act and act soon in 2020. Nick Freitas and John McGuire both understand the significance of Chesterfield County in their election hopes and oth have been out stumping for 2A.
Meanwhile, while Republicans connect with voters Spanberger is in Washington supporting the impeachment of President Trump. An impeachment that has less than 40% support in the VA07.
#Spanberger2020 #Freitas2020 #Freitas #DelegateJohnMcGuire #VaGOP #VA07 #BlueVirginia #ChazNuttycombe #VaHouse #VaSenate #VaforTrump #VoteHerOut
#Spanberger2020 #Freitas2020 #Freitas #DelegateJohnMcGuire #VaGOP #VA07 #BlueVirginia #ChazNuttycombe #VaHouse #VaSenate #VaforTrump #VoteHerOut
Monday, December 16, 2019
Red Flag Laws: The New Front on Guns
Update: 1/15/20
The following Red Flag proposal has been advanced and supported by some Virginia Republicans like State Senator Hanger (R-24). 804-698-7524
Senate Bill 240:
Firearms; removal from persons posing substantial risk; penalties. Creates a procedure by which any attorney for the Commonwealth or any law-enforcement officer may apply to a general district court, circuit court, or juvenile and domestic relations district court judge or magistrate for an emergency substantial risk order to prohibit a person who poses a substantial risk of injury to himself or others from purchasing, possessing, or transporting a firearm. If an emergency substantial risk order is issued, a judge or magistrate may issue a search warrant to remove firearms from such person. An emergency substantial risk order shall expire on the fourteenth day following issuance of the order. The bill requires a court hearing in the circuit court for the jurisdiction where the order was issued within 14 days from issuance of an emergency substantial risk order to determine whether a substantial risk order should be issued. Seized firearms shall be retained by a law-enforcement agency for the duration of an emergency substantial risk order or a substantial risk order or, for a substantial risk order and with court approval, may be transferred to a third party 21 years of age or older chosen by the person from whom they were seized. The bill allows the complainant of the original warrant to file a motion for a hearing to extend the substantial risk order prior to its expiration. The court may extend the substantial risk order for a period not longer than 180 days. The bill provides that persons who are subject to a substantial risk order, until such order has been dissolved by a court, are guilty of a Class 1 misdemeanor for purchasing, possessing, or transporting a firearm; are disqualified from having a concealed handgun permit; and may not be employed by a licensed firearms dealer. The bill also provides that a person who transfers a firearm to a person he knows has been served with a warrant or who is the subject of a substantial risk order is guilty of a Class 4 felony. The bill creates a computerized substantial risk order registry for the entry of orders issued pursuant to provisions in the bill
"Red Flag Laws" stand in direct violation of multiple Constitutional rights" (Washington Examiner)
The debate in the Commonwealth of Virginia of over "gun safety" will inevitably include the anti-freedom and liberty procedures known as "red flag" laws. These laws get enacted when the political elite seeking greater control over a populous seek to enact laws that provide greater control to the governments and its martial state endeavors over the an individuals liberty.
The debate is far more than just the banning of guns, gun registration and confiscation. The Progressive agenda in Virginia is broad, sweeping agenda that compromises more than just the 2A. In truth, Progressives have demonstrated little respect for the Constitution and see it as a mere obstacle which they indeed to counter with "a thousand cuts".
Violating 2A rights is not the only violation on the agenda in Virginia. How about the violation of 4A, 5A and 6A rights,
Many of you may remember the Tom Cruise movie Minority Report. This movie moved society decades into the future where law enforcement used "pre-crime" measures to remove individuals whom were likely or could be predicted to commit crimes in the future.
This is not unlike the data mining of your social media and email activities without your knowledge that goes on everyday. Predictive modeling behaviors in order to sell you or market products to you based on your activity seems innocent enough until your activity like posts and comments or even likes can be used to determine if you may pose a threat to yourself or others.
These laws are called "extreme risk protection laws" by some. Many polls cite Republican support for such orders and thus in all likelihood will be enacted in Virginia in 2020. Recent surveys state that a mere 24% of gun owners reject "red flag" laws.
In this case of these laws, your 1A rights are used against you. Your speech is no longer "free" because your very speech or activity can result in you being "red flagged" by anyone that opposes your statement or position. In fact, all they would need to report is they feel threatened or intimidated by your speech. In Virginia, this is the direction they are moving in in a clear attempt to remove individuals who represent political opposition to them and their agenda.
Calls for rallies and marches on Richmond could be construed as threatening to the political class and the "order" of the day. Thus, upon being reported an individual would be detained and immediately have his life placed under review by authorities resulting in immediate confiscation of firearms without any due process of law.
Meaning the mere accusation results in your right to bear arms to be violated even before any court ordered review is conducted by the judiciary. The "red flag" laws are written intentionally to be vague and often get support from both Democrats and Republicans. Those detained in many instances are not even guaranteed counsel for court because these actions are taken civilly by the State not criminally. Though an individual may have broken no laws, may have violated no laws or used his firearm in any manner it will no longer matter in truth.
One is guilty under "red flag" laws UNTIL proven innocent. In many states individuals can petition for an individual to have their rights violated in this manner where in some it require law enforcement to request the removal of firearms or in effect "confiscation" of property.
Understand a firearm is "property" and the State is in fact confiscating personal property when a "red flag" order is enacted. Often orders are drawn to remove firearms for a period of time not unlike a protective or no contact (restraining) order for an individual but the point here is the firearm is removed without the intervention of a court or judge order in most cases. It could be weeks before a judge even hears a case involving "red flag" situation.
New York State even enacted "red flag" laws where school officials can request the order.
In many instances the ACLU removes neutral on these bills even when they blatantly run against individual liberties.
"Red Flag" laws have become and integral part of the Progressive "gun safety" agenda especially in wake of mass shootings in an effort to convince citizens that by giving up "some" of their rights everyone will be safer. Yet very little evidence of what Progressive profess is born out by many of the facts that exist regarding gun violence.
These laws are gaining support because people focus merely on the "prevention" aspect in the hopes mass shooting can be prevented and yet little is talked about regarding the rights that are surrendered and frankly just how these laws can be abused.
If one is going to have their individual rights and freedoms violated by the State than it must be done with higher standard of judicial due process and review. The infringements on due process and even separation of powers should concern all Virginians, however the greater concern is the fact that Republicans in Virginia may go along with the Virginia Democrats.
The New York Times characterized this about Red Flag Laws:
"They are state laws that authorize courts to issue a special type of protection order, allowing the police to temporarily confiscate firearms from people who are deemed by a judge to be a danger to themselves or to others.
Often, the request for the order will come from relatives or friends concerned about a loved one who owns one or more guns and has expressed suicidal thoughts or discussed shooting people. The authorities may also request an order."
See here for survey data:
In light of the Progressive efforts to enact any number of measures that will not address "gun safety" at all all of these measures should be opposed by the very same movement supporting gun sanctuaries because they are all assaults on the U.S. Constitution.
#redflaglaws #everytownforgunsafety #2A #guncontrol #gunviolence #VaGop #VaDems #virginiaguns #gunrights
#redflaglaws #everytownforgunsafety #2A #guncontrol #gunviolence #VaGop #VaDems #virginiaguns #gunrights
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