Friday, November 29, 2019

#2AStrong: Signs Were There in September!

The following was a facebook page post at New Conservative Voices of Virginia back in September. It highlighted at the time just what supporters of #2AStrong today are facing in terms of the mindset of some Virginians.

The warning signs were there before the election in Virginia earlier this month.

Well over five thousand people engaged the post in September and yet as many Progressives then stated "no one is coming for your guns" look where we are today in Virginia with proposed legislation to make it a class six felony to possess certain firearms.

Progressives also plan to take on Virginia "open carry" like the picture in this post highlights. While the picture is an an extreme example of "open carry" given the citizen is carrying a rifle it still hammers home the point. 

Progressives in 2020 will move to make "open carry" illegal  by repealing the protection under the law not only on one's person but in one's own property (their automobile or home).

Here is the post dated September 9, 2019:

The following below was posted by Virginia resident Jay Timmons regarding an individual exercising their rights to "open carry" in the public space.
While the post touches on the fact that of course this individual is within his legal right, it also illustrates yet again how "rights' are being perceived by those who do not endorse the exercise of said right.
Do we have a say in how another exercises their rights as long as they are doing so in a legal manner?
How long must we endure the mantra that emotion trumps civil and legal rights?
Today people would demand others not exercise their rights when they wish to but rather on the basis when others deem it appropriate or not. Is this the level of freedom we were provided by our Founders in truth?
Have a read folks. This is the future of the debate. One based in emotion not legality or a debate rooted in fundamental rights of the individual.
Howdy neighbor...
This gentleman and his wife were strolling around the Alexandria Farmer’s Market this weekend. Just a friendly gent saying hello to all of the parents and children who were shopping, while legally open-carrying his semi-automatic.
He is not a member of the military. He is not a member of the Alexandria Police force. He is just a dude who thought it would be a good idea to show up at a widely attended public event brandishing a military-style assault weapon.
Did he startle you? Did you wonder if he might be mentally unstable? Concerned that he might engage in the latest mass shooting and kill untold numbers of innocent men, women and children? Did you decide maybe you should abandon your plans and just go home to a safer environment?
Doesn’t matter. It’s all legal. Especially in Virginia.
Make no mistake - YOU are the problem. At least that’s what the extremists want you to believe.
I’m one who believes in the 2nd Amendment. I understand that shotguns are used for hunting (and have done so myself) and that other firearms in the home are important for protection and safety. Some want to stockpile a bevy of guns in a safe place in their homes to prepare for Armageddon, which is okay too, I guess.
But is it really necessary to carry a military assault-style weapon around a public event if you are not a member of law enforcement?
Sure, it’s legal. But so are lots of things that common sense tells us not to do.
There was a time not long ago that we understood and lived by a set of norms. Where Americans didn’t need over 10 million military assault-style weapons, or to carry them into a festival, or into bars or schools or places of worship. When we didn’t have to wonder literally every time we were in public with our children where we would hide them so they aren’t shot and killed if another mass shooting breaks out.
But that America is dead.
Because if you want to have a conversation about returning to more “normal” times, to a time when reasonable parameters existed when cop killer bullets and military-style assault weapons were reserved for, well, the military...then you are branded.
You are labeled “anti-2nd Amendment”. You are identified as one of those people who want to ban all guns - even if you don’t. You become one of the left wing liberals who want to take people’s guns from them - even when that premise is completely false.
The extremes - yes Right AND Left - have highjacked common sense and civility on a myriad of issues. But the issue of gun ownership, including the type of weapons that should be in the hands of anyone who wants them, has become the most frenzied.
And there’s a reason for for that. Thousands of our people have been slaughtered - including so many innocent children - by military assault-style weapons.
Opponents of any limitations - or public debate - will scream hysterically that someone could kill with a knife as well. But a person with a knife could not slaughter literally hundreds in a matter of seconds.
And as for those “Originalists” and “Constitutionalists” and “Constructionists” who believe they can interpret the intentions of the Founding Fathers, rest assured they never contemplated that every American would have the right to possess an unlimited supply of semi-automatic muskets.
It’s time to change the dialogue. Ask the candidates for the Virginia General Assembly where they stand on these issues. Ask them if they believe we should even have a civil discussion and make any changes whatsoever to our state’s very liberal gun laws, or whether they believe there isn’t really a problem that needs to be solved. The Governor called a Special Session to address gun violence after the mass shooting in Virginia Beach earlier this year. The majority Republicans adjourned the Session within 5 minutes of convening, offering no debate or legislation.
All 100 Delegate seats and all 40 Senate seats are on the ballot this November.
Many Conservatives stayed home on November 5th. The State GOP failed to engage with recruitment efforts throughout the Commonwealth leaving many of those races in the Assembly unopposed.

The result leaves us today with the growing #2AStrong Second Amendment Sanctuary Movement.

#progun #2A #gunsanctuary #OpenCarry #VAGOP #VAguns #VaSenate #VaHouse #Northam #VaProgressives #EverytownforGunSafety #VaAssembly 

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