Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Opposition v. Resistance: A Lesson for Virginia

There have always been sweeping changes in the political landscape that result from political movements. The Commonwealth of Virginia has been experiencing such change the last few years that culminated in the Democrats securing the entire General Assembly earlier this month adding to controlling the Governorship.

Some have claimed that this movement is in direct correlation to President Trump. In the case of Virginia however, the movement  began long before Trump was ever elected but evolved from  Democrats being an "opposition" Party to conforming to the Progressive  "resistance" movement throughout the country.

There are stark differences between the two.

Virginia Republicans find themselves today no longer in control of the either the House of Delegates or the Virginia Senate. The election of 2019 result has placed them in the "opposition" for the first time in almost two decades. How they model this opposition is something that has yet to be determined but Republicans in Richmond need only to look at what Democrats have done in Washington to see how the "resistance" movement has not only thrawted a true transition of power  but brought a virtual halt to any real legislation or appointments for the Executive from moving forward.

Democrats led by teh Progressive arm of the Party that clearly is in control now nationally began its "resistance" the moment Donald Trump was elected President. Progressives have turned their back on true "Progressive" ideals in an effort to stop Trump. While Progressives have always believed eliminating political corruption, addressing concerns over urbanization and immigration. Remember the "muckrackers"? Today the media and the journalists have turned their attention solely on Trump and defeating him or at the very least undermining him at every turn .

While many Democrats in election of 2018 pledged to work with Republicans on the campaign trail, The Progressives today are less concerned with advancing change as much as they are stopping Trump. They have chosen to "resist" rather than "oppose".

One can argue whether or not the Progressive "outrage" towards Trump is real or manufactured but the movement within the Democrat Party has created momentum within its ranks that the "Anti Trump" is no longer a protest movement but full bore resistance. Resisting any advocation or policy of Trump even if it may be aligned with the common good or the interest of the United States.

Recent issues with regard to foreign policy illustrate this. For example in 2008 there was a large "anti war" movement on the left regarding our involvement in places like Iraq, Afghanistan and ultimately Syria yet just this year upon learning of Trump's intent to remove troops from Syria and end the "endless wars", The Progressives found themselves resisting the very things that were at the heart of its movement when its was in "opposition" to President Bush leading to the election of President Obama.

Have the policy positions of Progressives changed? Of course not. Progressives in the midst of a solid and growing economy, historic unemployment,  and stock market performances have simply shelved policy for "resistance". Hence, the country gets the impeachment process demanded mostly by the Progressives in the Democrat House of Representatives in an attempt to derail the President.

There is typically a smooth transition of power when a new President is elected to office. This however never occurred with Trump. There are thousands of Obama holdovers, vacant positions and appointments not confirmed by the legislature in a concerted effort to resist. The battle with the civil service and foreign service corps is playing out on television with the impeachment hearings.

The "Swamp" as it is referred has simply been rolled up by Democrats into the "resistance" movement. It includes those that the very foundations of a Trump presidency is counter culture to their very existence. These are career officials whom with the assistance of the Progressives have wondered off the reservation of reason and understanding with regard to their role in the first place.

Furrhermore,  you have the "Indivisible Guide" created by Congressional staffers as a foundation of anti-Trump "activism". The role of the guide is to disrupt the Trump presidency. Disrupt at every level. However, Progressives underestimate one important factor; Trump fatigue. What happens once Trump in fact is no longer in the White House? The years the Progressives have spent solely focused on defeating him or removing him especially with millennial involvement have not laid a foundation to sustain the movement for the future.

Progressivism today is not a movement capable of leadership but rather an effective resistance, anti -Trump movement void of true policy or direction outlined by advancing the working class. Democrats in the House have proved this since January. After securing control of the House of Representatives, Democrats have little to show for their efforts throughout 2019 that they can point to as a success other than arguing for impeachment.

In fact, majority of Democrat Presidential hopefuls have moved away from the one true Democrat policy success in the last decade; the Affordable Care Act (ACA) or Obamacare. The healthcare mandate that was the success of the Obama administration is now even called a failure by Progressives who prefer Medicare for All.

Democrats in the Virginia General Assembly should heed these lessons as they role out their versions of change. Virginia Democrats are no longer the "opposition" Party in Virginia and must demonstrate an ability to lead. The most do exactly what National Democrats have failed to do in Washington while focused solely in resisting Trump.

Republicans in Virginia must decide how to proceed moving forward. They can certainly "resist" the Virginia Democrats or they can work as an effective "opposition" Party and highlight every single policy that the Democrats seek to advance and prove to Virginia voters just why said policy is ineffective. Republicans should continue to advance in the public square its agenda and its vision for the future so voters understand in 2021 just what the Virginia GOP stands for.

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