Friday, November 22, 2019

Senator Dick Saslaw (D) : Virginians advocating 2A Rights are "Delusional"

                                                                          Take a Stand.
                                            The Domino Effect may take more of your rights away

The result of the November election was clear. Elections have consequences. The consequence that the Commonwealth of Virginia is facing is that Virginians Second Amendment rights are coming under attack.

That is right. Attack. 

The first Attack that Progressive Democrats in Virginia will wage is on 2A rights.

You have a leadership now is Richmond that thinks if you support the Second Amendment you are "delusional".

Virginia is not even a month removed from the November 5, 2019 election that flipped the General Assembly to the Virginia Democrats and State Senator Dick Saslaw- D from the 35th Senate District comprising much of Falls Church, Alexandria and portions of Fairfax County who has served in the Virginia Senate since 1980 is introducing what can only be described as the most restrictive and punitive anti-gun legislation ever proposed in Virginia. 

Saslaw's has sent the November 18 pre-file and his bill will come before the Senate Courts of Justice Committee which will be offered January 8, 2020.
The bill represents an unreasonable restriction of the the Constitutional right to bear arms. In effect this bill will do the following:
It would make anyone who owns or is in possession of a rifle with any one of the following characteristics a class 6 felon:
1. a folding or telescoping stock
2. a pistol grip
3.a thumb hole stock
4.a second hand grip or a protruding grip that can be held by the non-trigger hand
5.a flash suppressor (silencer)
6. a muzzle brake
7. a muzzle compensator
8. a threaded barrel
The Saslaw bill appears to have no "grandfather clause". 
Meaning. In effect a Virginian could be arrested and charged with a felony if they are found to e in possession of said firearm meeting the above condition. 
The punitive aspects is a maximum 5 year sentence for offenders for each weapon or firearm found to be non compliant.
The response thus far has resulted in many localities taking steps tn ensure the protection of their citizens freedoms as provided by the US Constitution.

Localities this week have either supported establishing "gun sanctuary" zones where citizens will be free from the fear of having their rights infringed by the Commonwealth.
Senator Saslaw has called these Virginians "delusional".
Localities like the following in Virginia have either approved or scheduled meetings for the public to have comment periods regarding gun sanctuary status.

Amelia Co.
Lee Co.
Accomack Co.
Bedford Co.
Pulaski Co.
Warren Co: 
Pittsylvania Co.:
Dinwiddie Co.:
Caroll Co.
Charlotte Co:
Patrick Co.:
Campbell Co:
Giles Co:
Shenandoah Co: 
Page Co: 
Rockingham Co:
Augusta Co:
Bath Co:
Highland Co:
Rockbridge Co:
Botetourt Co:
Amherst: w
Roanoke Co: 

If your County or Locality is not listed on the map or list, be sure to contact your Supervisor regarding scheduling a public hearing or comment period so your home county can take s stand.

Visit on Facebook- #2AStrong in Virginia:Sanctuary County Movement

#Chase #Dunnavant #2A #Vagunlaws #VASenate #Saslaw #DickSaslaw #VAHouse #Northam #VaBlue #VaGOP #ToddGilbert #Gilbert


  1. Looks like a war is going to start.

  2. Time for that piece of garbage to be removed from office by any means necessary...

  3. What part of "Shall Not be Infringed" do these idiots not understand?

    Any law that requires an exemption for tje state is in and of itself unconstitutional!

  4. He's delusional for thinking we're going to follow a law like that or that LEO's will enforce it.

    1. There are too many LEOs that will enforce it. They are the same LEOs who roust law-abiding gun owners for their open carry. Too many forget their oath to the Constitution and just follow the edicts of their local politicians. Kudos, however, to the sheriffs who stand up for gun owners and 2A rights. They deserve our full support.

  5. When people look away the government will do as they please, when people stop fighting, government will pass laws to fit their own agenda, when people stop caring government will feel they are entitled to do as they please, when they get their foot in the door they will and always have pushed harder to get that door open farther until they are fully inside. When you allow the government to control you and allow them to tell you what you can and cannot own or do you the Free American have lost. We the people united control our own freedoms, only when you allow those voted into office buy the people to break their oaths to serve and protect we the people tells me those elected need to be removed. If the people allow these people to remain in office then the people can only blame themselves. #iwillnotcomply

  6. The government was formed to protect the people from tyranny. It was created to protect the God given rights of the free people to own what they chosen to, work as they please and to protect their loved ones from harm, to own and bare arms and to have enough ammunition to squash a government which would enslave them. Take a lesson from history or you may end up repeating it.

  7. You folks in Virginia need to take a stand against this Tyranny. Owning and using firearms in a lawful way described under the law of the land, THE US Constitution. You are blessed with a natural right to have firearms, as you are the militia described in the 2nd amendment. There is no such thing as a liberal resolve against firearms. They have no superior rights to you that own firearms, obey the law, pay taxes, own property and support patriotic freedom. Be prepared for the worst, but only expect less from the liberals because they are all talk and can't enforce any action against you. God speed to all of you!

  8. They say our 2nd amendment sanctuary counties is just symbolic, however the paper that you wrote the law on is just a piece of paper without someone to enforce it there is no law to have so who are you going to get to enforce if our counties won't enforce it you going to ask the federal government I doubt it, you going to hire a lot of State Police they don't have enough to begin with how about those sanctuary cities that let the illegals in how's that working out call? How about the ones that let him smoke marijuana when it's a federal law that's working out, so don't say are sanctuary won't work either come get them or shut up!!!!
