Saturday, February 29, 2020

2A Call to Arms: Join Local Committees and Virginia Militias

The groundswell of 2A grassroots has resulted in over 100 Virginia localities to adopt resolutions to protect citizens from the radical, extreme agenda being proposed  by Virginia Democrats this  General Assembly session in Richmond.

"Lobby Day" this year at the State Capital drew well over sixty thousand Second Amendment supporters from dozens of states from across the country. These supporters put a national spotlight on the gun control measures  being proposed by Virginia Democrats having secured the majority control in Richmond last November.

Dozens of 2A groups have formed all over the Commonwealth of Virginia and many of them have group pages on facebook. This movement has connected 2A supporters all across the Commonwealth resulting now in many new county militias being formed. Jennifer Bailey of Louisa County is one of the biggest organizers and proponents of the Virginia Militia Alliance. Jonathan Scott has organized the #2AStrong Movement in Virginia and Corey Hodges has organized the Chesterfield County 2A Preservation Society in one of Virginia's largest suburban counties in the state. These groups are all growing members and the militia groups are beginning to hold their first drilling days.

The Virginia Democrats have been organizing behind close doors hoping to weather the storm. The have had some bill deferred but have had many successes in Richmond. "Red Flag" and "One Gun a month" bills have passed through the Assembly. Some Republicans have even defected to join the Democrats in these measures.

While the grassroots is generating alot of support and assisting in identifying the many proposals that are alarming to Virginia voters there is much more that MUST be done. The political process is about power. While on "Lobby Day" power in numbers was demonstrated, it has largely been forgotten already by Richmond. Democrats and Republicans have both gone about their business as usual in Richmond.

So what is the solution?

It not just Lobby Day sadly.

The solution lies in your locality.

Many 2A supporters showed up to 2A rallies and meeting to influence local Board of Supervisors in passing "gun sanctuary" resolutions that has resulted in over one hundred such resolutions being adopted. While it was a massive success, the reality is the real power that 2A supporters must concentrate their sights on are the local political committees that reside within the localities they live. These are the true political power apparatuses that influence not only the locality but also the district in terms of future candidates.

If 2A supporters are serious about having political power than it is this local committees that must be joined in mass with the hopes of winning control so that the political positions supporting freedom and liberty are preserved. The power of these committees cannot be understated.

This committees all across the Commonwealth are full of false Republicans. While they may claim to be Republican they are certainly far from being Conservative let alone Constitutional Conservatives. many of these committees are full of "Never Trumpers" that did not work on behalf of the Trump campaign in their localities that resulted in Trump losing to Hillary Clinton in Virginia by five points.

This is why you have not seen President Trump in Virginia much sicne 2016.

But beware the move to the 2A theme in 2020. Elections on the horizon 2A Supporters need to not blindly buy the messaging. There are plenty of gun owners in the Assembly in Richmond that frankly are not pushing for less restriction but more.

Beware the opportunists. Some experience that in Chesterfield Rally late last year. Politicians are savy. Even more savy are the ones who claim to not be "politcians" but are the worst kind of politcial animals.

As it stands the 2A groups have determined that as of today the one and only true 2A fighter in Virginia on any ballot is Delegate Nick Freitas but there are a few others that deserve a nod as well but many are not aware of them.

Thomas Anthony Specialle found here  running for U.S. Senate.

Aliscia Andrews found here :  (Marines)

Andrew Knaggs found here:   (Army)

Madison Downs found here :   (Marines)

So what can 2A supporters do today?

They can join their local Republican Committees and get involved. By doing so, the voice of the 2A movement will continue to be heard  and doubters will not be able to silence the movement like they did to the Tea Party Movement.

The 2A Movement has gained a ton of momentum but the special interest and establishment are betting that the movement will die out in 2020.

Supporters of the Second Amendment cannot let that happen. (Chasing Victory in Virginia)   Virginia Militia Alliance)   (Chesterfield County 2A Preservation Society)   (#2AStrong in Virginia)

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