It is clear that the stakes are incredibly high this November for the General Assembly. Nowhere is this more evident than races for Senate like the 11th and 12th Senate Districts but it is also being seen in the 31st House District of Virginia.
The 31st is comprised of precincts in Prince William County and Fauquier County. The Progressive incumbent in the District is Delegate Elizaeth Guzman.
In the weeks leading up to next weeks election, Guzman became one of the most heavily funded Democrat Delegates seeking re-election this cycle. The District was supposed to be safe. In fact, it isn't even on Virginia political analysts Ben Tribbett (@NotLarrySabato) or Chaz Nuttycombe's periodic watch list of races. Both have this race a Strong Democrat Hold.
And yet, contributions are pouring ion to this race as Guzman is being challenged by local product Republican DJ Jordan. Progressives have been funding a smear campaign via social media for months against Jordan in large part because Jordan is the antithesis of everything Virginia Progressives advocate about identity politics in Virginia and they are scared. Jordan is an African American Republican just like Garrison Coward running against Democrat Delegate Dawn Adams in House District 68 in Richmond. These challengers are having the Progressive machine going absolutely crazy.
DJ Jordan is growing broad support in the very diverse community with his positive, forward look messaging regarding road infrastructure, tax and spending policy and role of government. Guzman was awarded a grade of "F" by the Chamber of Commerce at a time when Virginia has been rated #1 in business environment nationally.
Guzman has the support of some of the largest out of state funding resources of any Virginia Delegate coupled with massive in state contributions from Democratic Party of Va (253K) and the House Democrat Caucus (240K). It begs the question why all this funding is coming into the Guzman campaign if this district is not "in play". Guzman is also heavily supported by sanctuary city policy advocates CASA in Action (90,501K) but alarming is funded more by Richmond, Washington D.C, Fairfax, Alexandria than the district itself. Gizman has also garnered more contributions from Pennsylvania, New York than either Prince William or Fauquier County.
Elizabeth Guzman recently secured contribution from the George Soros funded super Pac Democracy PAC as well as Emily's List, Every District, Virginia's List and Everytown for Gun Safety. The majority of these Progressive advocacy groups signal and represent Guzman's support for sanctuary policies, open borders, third term unrestricted abortion, and repeal of Virginia "open carry" firearms laws and restricting Virginian's Constitutional rights.
Recently, the smears via social media networks like Facebook and Twitter took a surreal and desperate twist as Guzman began engaging Jordan supporters. The Delegate began a tantrum of unprofessional proportions as she insulted fellow Virginians. One example was her engagement here on titter after Brandi Workman vocalized her support for DJ Jordan. After numerous tweets and comments Delegate Guzman responded with this:

Delegate Guzman has also come out in attack it seems regarding DJ Jordan's work with Virginia Kids Belong, an organization that helps foster children find loving homes. Guzman stance on third term unrestricted abortion and her dismissal at times of "fostering" as a option is at the heart of many of these criticisms as Guzman's radical views have come under scrutiny by many constituents.
Shocking as the attacks leveled against Jordan are they are particularly unjustified given the fact that Jordan and his wife have fostered and adopted children. Furthermore, DJ Jordan himself was at "at risk" youth growing up. Guzman has been an obstructionist in making the adoption process less burdensome on potential parents in Virginia yet overwhelmingly will get behind making abortions easier and more accessible but not fostering.
The ridiculous nature of some of the attacks by a sitting Delegate are astonishing. Guzman went on the call out Jordan for his use of "color" on his campaign literature apparently staking out a claim to the color "blue".
“His logo is blue. His literature doesn’t say he’s the Republican candidate in the race,” she said of Jordan. “You have to start by being honest and transparent.”
Guzman also would make assertions regarding the color of Jordan's canvassers t shirts implying somehow Jordan was passing himself off as a Democrat to voters in the community.
Guzman's support and endorsements should be very alarming to many constituents let alone the massive amount of funding approaching one million dollars she has garnered for next weeks election.
It really begs the question. Is the 31st House District 'in play"? The ground swell of support at the local level for Jordan appears to point towards yes and the fact that Democrats are funneling even more money into the Guzman campaign signals that something is happening in the district that has Democrat pundits worried.
#Guzman #VAGOP #VAHOUSE #DJJORDAN #VA31 #PrinceWilliamCounty #FauquierCounty #BenTribbett #ChazNuttycombe @NotLarrySabato @ChazNuttycombe #BlueVirginia
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