Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Battleground Districts: Virginia Senate Districts (Is Politics Still Local?)

                                                                "All Politics is Local"

The Commonwealth of Virginia's November Election this year has been declared a "battleground" in political terms between opposing forces and directions in Virginia politics. Virginia over the last decade has been moving to the left in terms of election outcomes. Now place is that illustrated more than the suburbs of Richmond, Virginia.

Two counties, Chesterfield and Henrico, are political microcosms for what is happening in suburbia all across America as families move out of urban centers for better schools, larger homes, access to greater diversity of religious and family activities for families and safety and security from crime. Many of these families still have at least one adult working in the urban center  but have chosen to move outside the the city into the county that is commonly called suburbia.

Richmond, the capital of Virginia, has experienced an urban revival in the last few years with greater economic activity and development. The city is as vibrant as ever while at the same time trending extremely divisive politically to many. Recently Levar Stoney, the Mayor of Richmond, led a movement to boycott the Jamestown Assembly Celebration commemorating the longest running legislative body in America. This boycott was due to the extended invitation to President Donald Trump by the Jamestown committee in which Mayor Stoney was a member.

Decisions such as the Jamestown celebration point to a leadership that appears to represent the will of one Party or one political figure in truth and not the greater citizenry at large. Mayor's represent more than just those whom elected them and a capital city Mayor represents more than just the city that elected him or her. As the capital seat, Richmond represents the entire Commonwealth of Virginia. This gets lost in the politics of the day in Richmond all too often as Richmond.

There are four Virginia Senate Districts with boundaries in and around Richmond. These districts are the 10th, 11th , 12th and 16th Senatorial Districts of Virginia. The following is the breakdown each district is exposed to the city of Richmond and the suburban counties:

VA 10:  Glen Sturtevant (R) Chesterfield County 47%  Richmond City 39%   Powhatan 14%
VA  11:  Amanda Chase (R) Chesterfield County 86%  Colonial Heights 8%   Amelia 6%
VA  12:  Siobhan Dunnavant (R) Henrico County 92% Hanover County 8%
VA  16:  *(Open)       Richmond City 30% Chesterfield County 27%
      *Incumbent Rosalyn Dance was defeated by Joe Morrissey in Democrat Primary

Every Senate seat in of the ballot next month. The current Senate majority remains in the hands of Republicans but by very thin margins. This election could change the political direction of the Commonwealth and policies impacting every Virginian should the power shift to Democrats. The Democrats control the Executive under Governor Ralph Northam and Lt. Governor Justin Fairfax's leadership. Both leaders have been entangled in scandal over the last year with sexual assault allegations against Fairfax and Northam for his exposed "blackface" episode and his radio show comments regarding abortion earlier this year during the last Assembly session.

Virginia Democrats have chosen to ignore the scandals. Its a tactic that may or may not backfire on Virginia Democrats given they are as close as they have ever been in recent memory of securing both chambers in the Assembly and controlling the Executive Mansion until 2021. Republicans point to the hypocrisy given many Virginia Democrat leaders including two Virginia Senators and former Virginia Governors were so highly critical of Judge Kavanaugh  last September and the his nomination for SCOTUS. Democrats have ignored the scandal in large part due to its dependence upon women voters in suburbia.

The scandals point the hypocrisy of Virginia Democrats one full display. Fairfax was never investigated by the Assembly. No hearings. Northam in large part now has moved past the episode and regain his approval rating points lost during the scandal. To many this was accomplished the media failed to cover the scandals with any vigor as they would had it been a Republican. Remember the tenacity Democrats went after Republican Bob McDonnell over unauthorized gifts. Gifts appear to be more important to Virginia Democrats and the Richmond media than sexual assault or the safety of women throughout Virginia

Virginia Democrats have largely ignored the scandals of Northam and Fairfax along with the media and have concentrated on Republican controlled Senate seats with a constant barrage of campaign resources targeting these seats.

 Sen. Amanda Freeman Chase (11th)

 Senator Siobhan Dunnavant (12th)
 Senator Glen Sturtevant (10th)      

The 16th District is an outlier in the sense that no Republican is on the ballot. The 10th and 12th have been targeted because to the success of Democrat candidates like the Governor, Senators Kaine and Warner and Clinton in recent elections. The 11th however appears to be the most heated and contested in large part because this district has significant exposure to suburban voters to the tune of 133,000 voters. Chesterfield County is home to almost 350,000 residents as of 2017.

Why has the Virginia Senate District 11 become such a target in truth? The fact is the 11th is a Trump district. Why does that matter? The Democratic National Committee (DNC) after loses in North Carolina and Pennsylvania special elections are looking for a win to fuel a greater narrative going into 2020. A win in the 11th would be a significant victory in terms of the media messaging and because the 11th is a pro-Trump district a sword to be used against the President.

So what happens when the DNC targets a local district?

The Virginia 11th is under siege. Under siege from campaign resources from outside the Commonwealth. The moment that the DNC and Progressive media targeted Virginia Senate seats, campaign contributions to challengers has exploded. Recent reporting states that Democrats have been out raising Republicans but where is this money coming from?

Well its not coming from Virginians.

In recent weeks millions is flowing into the coffers of Democrats from outside Virginia. Emily's List recently reported donating an additional 1.5 million to Democrats supporting third term (late term) abortions with no restrictions after donating 500,000 in June.  Forward Majority PAC has donated another 500,000 to Democrats following Progressive George Soros lead in providing 500,000 to Planned Parenthood Action Fund which in turn contributed to Democrats throughout the Commonwealth.

Virginia is the ONLY Assembly the Democrats believe they can flip this November!

And the money is pouring in.

For example, you now have challengers raising more money than incumbents. A fact that is almost unheard of. The money is coming in from outside to influence voting. The majority of it is being employed via social media ads and campaigns and most are in fact false or misleading ads.

In the 11th, Democrat Challenger Progressive Amanda Pohl has now out raised Sen. Amanda Chase. Democrat challenger in the 10th has now out raised Sen. Sturtevant and an interesting development in the House of Delegates race in Chesterfield, the Democrat challenger Larry Barnett has raised 3 times the amount raised by incumbent Delegate Roxanne Robinson in the Virginia 27th.

It is clear that the Virginia Republicans are under siege. ACTBLUE has mobilized significant campaigns against Republicans to raise money for Democrats. This election will shape the Commonwealth of Virginia for decades. The result of this election will determine not only policy governing Virginia but also following the upcoming census permit Democrats to redraw district lines for upcoming elections. This is commonly referred to as "gerrymandering". Districts will be redrawn again to disenfranchise even more conservative voters.

Progressives speak of voter suppression in their campaigns often and like to tell voters they are simply redoing a previous injustice in terms of boundaries but the truth is they are seeking a dominate stranglehold on power. Remember the VA 10th was redrawn already decreasing Republican areas from the district. Voters in the Congressional VA07 saw this when all the Hanover precincts pro Republican were moved out of the VA07. Result? Democrat Abigail Spanberger defeated incumbent Republican David Brat in 2018.

Voters in Virginia can reject the influence of Progressive forces from outside the Commonwealth but must turn out. Every Republican must cast a ballot this November and ensure their voice is heard before the Assembly turns Progressive and conservative voices will be silenced for decades in Virginia. If Republicans fail to turn out the vote and maintain majorities Progressives are determined to:

1.Increase Gun Restrictions and Repeal Open Carry Laws
2.Remove all restrictions on Third Term Abortions  (Virginia Dream Act)
3. Expand Medicare Funding
4. Eliminate School Choice
5. Increase Toll Road Fees and Taxes
6. Pass Sanctuary City Legislation endorsing No Cooperation with ICE
7. ERA -Equal Rights Amendment

Republicans in Virginia Senate Districts 10, 11 and 12 need support from all Republicans and Libertarians this November to stem the tide of "foreign" influence and money determining the outcome of our elections.

#ERA #CHASE #Sturtevant #VAdems #ACTBLUE #ICE #OpenCarry #SchoolChoice #VaSenate #VA07 #VAAssembly #Dunnavant #VAGOP #Chesterfield

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