Wednesday, September 11, 2019

#StandWithICE: Sanctuary Policies of Montgomery County, MD On Full Display

It is apparent that the Democrat nominee for President in 2020 will endorse the Progressive policy of Open Borders and "Sanctuary" cities throughout the country. A "Sanctuary" a city is one whose municipal laws tend to protect undocumented immigrants from deportation or prosecution, despite federal immigration laws. These areas become magnets for illegals within the United States.

Progressives are advocating for these areas at the same time they seek free healthcare and tuition for illegal or "undocumented" aliens who are present within the United States without legal standing.No more are the issues beset a locality with "sanctuary" status on display today than Montgomery County, MD which is the largest locality in the State just outside the District of Columbia. So much that citizens are beginning to push back against the local council for the policies that it determined to implement via executive order in July.

Citizens are struggling with why a declaration of "sanctuary" status was required by County Executive Marc Elrich on July 25, 2019. At no time during the most recent campaign had Elrich voiced his desire to use executive authority to restrict Montgomery County law enforcement from any interaction with federal authorities with regard to illegal immigrants. The very measure itself illustrates the fact that illegal immigrants exist within the County at such levels that the County Council sought to protect them from interactions with Immigration Customs Enforcement.

Marc Elrich reinforced his predecessor County Executive Ike Leggett measures halting cooperation between Montgomery County and federal authorities in 2014. It begs the question why Elrich felt compelled to use executive authority over holding a public hearing or town hall to garner public consensus on the matter and alleviate the concerns with regard to public safety and security.

Montgomery County as it stands will not comply with an ICE detainer- an administrative warrant of arrest for a person to be held upon conclusion of local judicial interaction for 48 hours to enable federal authorities to come and place the individual in custody. Marc Elrich has stated that it is his contention that holding an individual in such manner is unconstitutional. Thus, he has ordered his law enforcement to not cooperate with federal authorities nor honor or respect any detainers.

This Friday in Rockville, MD  Concerned Citizens Coalition of Montgomery County and #StandWithICE supporters are planning to protest the actions undertaken by Montgomery County authorities that has experienced the arrest of eight illegal immigrants having committed rape and or sexual assault against women and children some with prior felonies or charges. Even though the status of these individuals are known and in the United States unlawfully, Montgomery County officials refuse to turn over individuals to ICE on detainers to determine whether they should be deported. Citizens are not only outraged over the rise of crime in the area but also the expenses associated on meeting the demands upon the County by a rising illegal population migrating to the area.

Some residents of Montgomery County are working hard for a ballot initiative that will require 10,000 signatures by July 2020 in order for the public at large to be heard. The stresses placed on the County infrastructures by a rising illegal immigrant population resulting from the 2014 measures must be addressed and discussed openly engaging the public. However, Montgomery County officials have retaliated against opposition to its policy by characterizing its own citizens as "neo Nazis" and "xenophobic" and has challenged both the White House and ICE for its characterizations of what is transpiring throughout the County.

County Executive Marc Elrich refuses to answer to the public nor hold a town hall meeting let alone debate the issue regarding his executive order.

Things have reach such a level of contention that Frederick County, MD Sheriff Chuck Jenkins who must police his County located north of Montgomery County has stated that what Marc Elrich has done is "effectively is jeopardize public safety throughout central part of Maryland".

Citizens will attempt to be heard and recognized by the County Council Friday outside the County Offices on Maryland Avenue in Rockville with the support of Michelle Malkin and WMAL's Larry O'Connor who have been consisted detractors of Progressive policies that in effect promote Open Borders and Sanctuary cities throughout the country.


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