Thursday, September 12, 2019

Montgomery County "Sanctuary City" Rally: "Justice, Justice Shall You Pursue"

Rally to Voice Opposition to " The Promoting Community Trust Executive Order" by Montgomery County Executive Marc Elrich July 25, 2019

On Friday, September 13 in Rockville within Montgomery County, Maryland will be ground zero for the escalating debate over sanctuary cities. Organizers on both sides of the issue we be holding rallies in downtown Rockville outside the government offices of Montgomery County at 11am. Officials have already determined to shut down the streets adjacent to the offices in anticipation of a large turnout.

Rally organizers are certainly advocating "hate" or "xenophobia". In fact organizers have clearing stated they are simply seeking the rule of law and justice for those who have suffered at the hands of criminals who have not only committed crimes within the community but also are residing in the community and the United States illegally.

Anti-Justice and Anti-Law organizations that are getting behind the Takoma Mobilization in their effort to silence free speech and freedom of assembly where citizens can voice their concerns in a peaceful manner have pledged to "drown out" those forming the rally. Ironically. the Takoma Mobilization group says they are for a "more just and equitable society". How is compelling individuals to "drown out" the voices of fellow citizens either just or equitable? Do not the concerns of all citizens have value or just those that subscribe to the Progressive agenda?

NO HATE NO FEAR * LEGAL* IMMIGRANTS ARE WELCOME HERE!! No one is opposing legal immigrants in Maryland nor advocating anything against immigrants in the community. Citizens are seeking the removal of violent criminals from the community that are illegal aliens whom have been detained by authorities and under federal law should be turned over to federal authorities before ever being released into the community on bond.

The original rally organized is in protest to Montgomery County's executive order enacted on July 25, 2019 by Marc Elrich to restrict law enforcement cooperation with Immigration Customs Enforcement whereby formally made Montgomery County a "sanctuary" locality. In fact, overnight Montgomery County became the largest official "sanctuary" locality in Maryland reinforcing the policies that were begun in 2014 under the former County Executive Leggett.

Executive Marc Elrich and the Takoma Park Mobilization community organization have been mobilizing its "protest the protesters"  rally to "drown out" the Concerned Citizen Coalition of Montgomery County and Help Save Maryland organizations who scheduled the rally to address officials who they feel have failed to empower enforcement of federal and local laws in the community. Dozens of Progressive organizations and unions have signed on to Marc Elrich's call to "drown out" the so labeled "forces of racism and hatred" showing support for Immigration Customs Enforcement (ICE) and federal law.

Strangely, both Takoma Park Mobilization and Marc Elrich have both recently stated that Climate Change is the single biggest issue facing Montgomery County and yet the impact of crime upon the community has risen dramatically since 2014 and recently the community witnessed 8 violent criminal arrests involving rape and child molestation committed by individuals with prior felony records who were never turned over to ICE before or are currently being held with no bond by the County law enforcement who have been restricted by Elrich's executive order to contact ICE or respect any ICE detainer authorized.

Marc Elrich's supporters have labeled the speakers at the scheduled rally "pro hate VIP's". These speakers are led by nationally known political commentator and author Michelle Malkin and local radio host and resident of Montgomery County Larry O'Connor along with about a dozen local speakers. Elrich has refused to speak with O'Connor on his WMAL daily radio show nor debate Ken Cuccinelli, Director of Citizenship and Immigration Services regarding the legality of "sanctuary" cities.

It begs one simple question. Why is the Montgomery County Council unconcerned with justice in the community. The data and statistics bore out the rise of crime and acts of violence committed against members of the community in the last few years and yet the Council appears to ignore the desire of law enforcement to work with federal authorities. The Council appears to be placing the status of illegal aliens within the County before the safety and security of the people resided in the County.

Why would a local jurisdiction not wish to turn over violent felons who committed serious crimes against the community over for deportation? Is it optics? Is it to appease its Progressive community organizations? Appease religious organizations? Why was the July 25 executive order even required? Why was there no community engagement or scheduled town hall meetings to determine the will of the community on this issue?

The issue facing Montgomery County is not immigration. The issue is justice. Marc Elrich and County officials are putting identity politics and racial justice above the safety and security of all citizens.

"Justice, Justice Shall You Pursue" is the very heart of the matter and it is justice that remains the victim in Montgomery County, Maryland.

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