Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Battle for the Commonwealth: What Progressive Media Will Not Tell You

This November every seat in the Virginia General Assembly will be on the ballot for voters to determine the fate of the Commonwealth ultimately for years to come. The Democrat Party of Virginia currently has control of the Executive until 2021 having the "trifecta" of members holding positions as Governor, Lt. Governor and Attorney General. With every Assembly seat in both chambers on the ballot, the Democrats have the opportunity to build on the House seats that were secured in 2018 and potentially flip the Virginia Senate which currently is held by the Republicans 21-19.

With just over two months remaining of campaigning for the Battle for the Commonwealth, candidates are out canvassing and talking with Virginians in one of the most contested elections in recent years for control of the General Assembly. The future of the Commonwealth is at stake given the upcoming Census 2020 and the fact that the Party controlling the Executive and Assembly will be able to re draw district lines that will impact elections for the next decade. With 2019 being such a pivotal election cycle it is important not only to follow the media coverage but also consider what the media is not telling you.

One of the biggest elements of this election cycle in Virginia not being covered by virtually any of the major media outlets throughout the Commonwealth and especially the large urban news media covering this years election is the fact that the Democrat Party of Virginia's continued portrayal of the Republican Party as being void of diversity in 2019 rings hollow.

Progressive media outlets have long portrayed the Republican Party of Virginia as the "rural" Party. Rural often used as a racially charged code word. Republicans routinely are criticized by Progressive political columnists of not representing the "diversity" of the Commonwealth.

Translation. Republicans are not running African Americans, Hispanics or Female candidates.

It has become apparent that the media either failed to get the memo or are intentionally ignoring the dozens of candidates that Republican Party now has on its bench and running this November in both chambers to represent Virginians. If you consider the primaries as well where candidates run against others within their own Party to secure the nomination in the General Election in November, the number of minority and female candidates is growing in the Republican Party of Virginia under the blind eye of the Virginia Progressive media machine.

 Amanda Chase SD11

 Siobhan Dunnavant SD12

 Jen Kiggans SD7

 Suzanne Fox SD33

 Jill Vogel SD27

 Elizabeth Lankford SD6

The Republicans will feature in six female candidates in the Senate races where they currently hold 21 seats with a few retirements. Jill Vogel, Siobhan Dunnavant, Amanda Chase join Jen Kiggins, Suzanne Fox and Elizabeth Lankford in races joining well over another dozen female candidates in House races.

 Garrison Coward HD68

 Darrell Jordan HD31

The Progressive media  never really acknowledges any of the minority  or immigrant candidates running as Republicans. It especially goes to great lengths to diminish coverage of African American candidates like challengers Garrison Coward in HD68 and Darrell Jordan HD31 but also other minority campaigns like Gary Pan HD34 and Maria Martin HD52.

 Gary Pan HD34

 Maria Martin HD52

Other candidates for Assembly seats representing the Republican Party for the House of Delegates include Heather Mitchell HD2, Kelly McGinn HD13, Shannon Kane HD21, Kathy Byron HD22, Roxanne Robinson HD27, Carrie Coyner HD62, Emily Brewer HD64 , Mary Margaret Kastelburg HD73, Heather Cordasco HD93, GayDonna Vandergriff HD72, Colleen Holcomb HD91, Margaret Ransome HD99, Amanda Batten HD96.

 Kelly McGinn HD13
 Heather Mitchell HD2
Amanda Batten HD96
 Carrie Coyner HD62

Heather Cordasco HD93
 Colleen Holcomb HD91

 Kathy Byron HD22

                                                      Shannon Kane HD21

But those are just some of the candidates running for the General Assembly. This November there are literally hundreds of minority candidates all across the Commonwealth running as Republicans for local offices like Board of Supervisors, City Councils and School Boards.

Do not expect the Progressive media to cover these candidates. It has its own narrative that it likes to write as truth as it continues to ignore the reality on the ground in Virginia that while the media refuses to cover the very racially insensitive actions of members of the Democrat Party of Virginia and hold them accountable the Progressive media will attempt to once again portray the Republican Party as " diverse challenged".

Its a constant refrain by the media in an attempt to manipulate voters through perverse identity politics.

#DJJordan #Coward #HeatherMitchell #Lankford #Chase #AmandaChase  #GaryPan #GaryPanforVirginia #VirginiansforHeatherMitchell #ShannonKane #KathyByron #KellySweeneyMcGinn #JenKiggans #Dunnavant #MariaMartin

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