Friday, September 6, 2019

Battle for the Commonwealth: Virginia Democrats Target Senate Seats

This November every seat in the Commonwealth of Virginia General Assembly is on the ballot for consideration. Two years ago the Virginia Democrats were successful in "flipping" seats in the General Assembly one year after Governor Northam (D) was elected Governor of the Commonwealth.

The Virginia Senate consists of 40 seats which represent  roughly 200,000 Virginians per district and each member is elected to a four year term. Thus, the last election for the Virginia Senate was 2015 and one year before the country elected Donald Trump (R) President of the United States.

The current Virginia Senate has a Republican majority holding 21 to 19 seats.

Virginia Democrats and the Democrat Machine have targeted seven (7) Virginia Senate seats that Democrats believe that they can "flip" to Blue and have an active grassroots campaign afoot throughout the Commonwealth coupled with ACTBLUE the Progressive fundraising platform linking candidates to supporters nationwide.

Projections are that more out of state contributions will be made to Virginia candidates ever in the history of the Virginia General Assembly in both Senate and House of Delegate races.


What is at stake?

Control of the General Assembly for Virginia Democrats would provide them the trifecta having control of the Governorship until 2021. The biggest win for the Democrats would be the fact that given there is a Census in 2020, they will be able to redraw district lines to their benefit without opposition from the Republicans which would also impact Congressional races.

Per the U.S. Constitution, the country undergoes its population Census once every ten years.

Republicans are using this fact to invigorate energy into their ground game on top of being able to articulate to voters the success financially of the General Assembly under its control even with a Democrat Governor, speak to the Trump economy and highlight the Democrat scandals that have transpired in 2019.

Republicans are determined to remind voters that both Governor Northam and Attorney General Herring both have "blackface" scandals highlighting racially insensitive pasts and Democrat support for Delegate Kathy Tran's bill removing restrictions on abortions in the Commonwealth resulting in late term ( third term) abortions.

Democrats are optimistic with regard to "flipping" Senate seats given there are three GOP Senators retiring from the Senate:

Frank Wagner - SD-7
Richard "Dick" Black- SD-13
Bill Carrico- SD-40

Democrats have positioned existing, experienced Virginia Delegates to run for Senate seats in Novemeber. Three such Virginia Delegates are Cheryl Turpin (SD-7) , Debra Rodman (SD-12) and John Bell (SD-13). Republican delegate Todd Pillon from HD-4 will replace Bill Carrico on the ballot in SD-40.

In addition to Todd Pillon, six other Republicans are retiring from the House of Delegates which Democrats see as an opportunity there to potentially pick up seats in that body as well.  Two Democrats in the House other than those seeking Senate seats are retiring in David Toscano HD-57 and Mathew James HD-80.

The following  seven (7) Virginia Senate Districts have been heavily targeted by Virginia Democrats:

SD-7   Republican Frank Wagner (retirement) Virginia Beach
SD-8   Republican Bill DeStephe (incumbent) Virginia Beach
SD-10 Republican Glen Sturtevant (incumbent) Midlothian
SD-11 Republican Amanda Chase  (incumbent) Chesterfield
SD-12 Republican Siobhan Dunnavant (incumbent) Henrico
SD-13 Republican Dick Black (retirement) Leesburg
SD-17 Republican Bryce Reeves (incumbent) Spotsylvania

The District with the most money raised thus far is SD-12 comprising most of Henrico County and small portion of Hanover County. Republican incumbent Siobhan Dunnavant has raised 830,000 and Democrat challenger Del. Debra Rodman has raised 404,000.

Consider that thus far over 1.2 million dollars has been raised for a seat that pays 72,000 over four years or 18,000 per session.

Expect a ton more contributions to come in for many of these Senate Districts in the coming weeks as the election draws closer.


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