Monday, June 1, 2020

Republicans Demand Delegate Lee Carter (D) Resign

The the wake of the riots this weekend and the involvement of Delegate Lee Carter (D) the Republican Party of Virginia is demanding that the legislator resign from his seat. Republicans released a statement found here:

Carter represents the Virginia 50th House of Delegates District which is comprised of Manasssas City and part of Prince William County. Carter was elected in 2017 and again in 2019 to represent the district.

Delegate Carter has proven time and time again that he is an "activist" in a suit more than a true legislator. Carter participated in protests over teh weekend following the George  Floyd incident where police officers used excessive force resulting in the death of Floyd in Minneapolis, MN.

The following are screenschots of Delegate Lee Carter's enagagement with police officers over the weekend:

Carter clearly antagonized and provoked police in his interactions with law enforcement in an attempt to bait them into confrontation. Again Delegate Carter like so many of the newly elected Assembly members of the Democratic Party of Virginia cut their teeth as "community activists" and have  brought that kind of mentality to Richmond.

Carters colleague in the House of Delegates Joshua Cole posted on his twitter feed this during the weekend:

One thing is clear if the aftermath of a violnet weerkend in Virginia and that is that oth Carter and Cole virtually signaled their support for the destruction and violence that ensued and at no time attempted to calm any tensions over the weekend.

Is this how Virginia Legislators should act? Is this the role legislators are to play going forward? Is it appropriate for a legislator to incite violence let alone participate in it as it unfolds?

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