Tuesday, May 12, 2020

The Virginia 5th & 6th Congressional: The Real Danger From Within


Voter intimidation. Corruption. Undermining. Unacceptable developments in the Virginia GOP in two of Virginia's western Congressional Districts.

For the past few weeks, The Conservative State have been examining what appears to be a concerted effort on the part of a minority contingent within the Republican Party of Virginia to force its far right agenda upon the Party at large. Many of the efforts thus far have centered around amending the Republican Party Plan but others have attempted to use voter intimidation and threats of lgal proceedings as the means to their end. While none of this is really new to party politics, the new developing threat behind the attempt to undermine the Republican Party of Virginia by religious extremism is real and should not be ignored.

There are efforts in two of the western Congressional Districts of Virginia that have surfaced in the last few weeks  but also an eastern district that should alarm all Republican voters. Individual members of Young Republicans of Tidewater in the Virginia 3rd (VA-03) have attempted to undermine a GOP candidate with its injection into the primary process which appears highly inappropriate for any Republican affiliated auxillary. No one affiliated with a committee or auxillary is supposed to work against another Republican during any nomination process but that is clearly what has occurred in the VA-03. The Madison Downs for Congress  (R) campaign deserves a formal apology and soon.

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In the VA-05  and VA-06, religious authoritarianism is on the rise as the minority element of social conservative movement continues its efforts to undermine the local committees within the district as well as the Congressional District Committees at large. Elements of this movement seek to continue divide the GOP and fight over what can only be described as "settled issues" by interviewing over a dozen potential hopefuls to primary Congressman Denver Riggleman (R) before settling on Bob Good over questions regarding Riggleman's commitment to social values.

Why would this movement within the Republican Party of Virginia itself attempt to remove a sitting Republican Congreessman for example who has been endorsed by both President Trump and Jerry Falwell Jr. of Liberty University? Is it due to Denver Riggleman's record in Congress which has been praised by conservative groups and Trump alike? Of course not. Its due to the fact that Riggleman (R) happened to marry a gay couple recently in the district. A couple that Riggleman reportedly had known from working on his campaign in 2018. Thats right. Riggleman had the audacity to perform a marriage ceremony that is legally authorized in the Commonwealth of Virginia. What does this opposition to Riggleman based on this single event tell you about the values that these so called "conservatives" hold? These are not Republican values but rather a mixed bag of Puritanical or Pentacostal values that these individuals hold that frankly are not aligned with the future of the Republican Party of Virginia.

This new so-called "middle resolution" movement is raising its ugly head and showing it true colors. It seeks to transform the Repulican Party of Virginia into nothing more than a country club and not a meaningful, winning political organization. A club where minorities, immigrants, Jews and Muslims, and gays for example are not welcome. This is their goal coupled with attempting to minimize the voices of women and younger Republicans via the State Central Committee by reducing the numbers of permitted members for participation. They seek to accomplish this by amending the Republican Party Plan.

Diana Shores, following the wedding officiated by Riggleman, on the Cumberland County Republican Committee and widely known in Republican circles going as far back as the Tea Party stated:

“Mr. Riggleman, who claims to want government out of marriage, acted as an elected official to perform a marriage,” according to NBC News and “Then, he made it clear in the communications that followed to the leadership of the district that he didn’t care what we thought about the actions. Each district committee can decide if they have further confidence in Congressman Riggleman representing their values. As for me, he doesn’t represent mine.” 

Congressman Riggleman responded to criticism regarding officiating the wedding stating his "real belief is that government shouldn’t be involved in marriage at all, but if it is, everybody has to be treated equally before the law....That is part of our Republican creed. And it also comes down to love is love. I’m happy to join two people together who obviously love each other.”

The values asserted by Diana Shores and others are based in "exclusivity" where certain peoples races, sex orientations or national origins are not welcome in the party. This is the "party" that these religious authoritarians wish to transform the Republican Party of Virginia into in the coming years for their own gain. There appears little goals of winning elections mind you, but rather using the committees for their own personal gain.

Bob Good, formerly of  Liberty University has challenged Denver Riggleman (R) in the primary and it appears that the sole basis of this challenge was the fact that in Good's view Riggleman "betrayed the trust of the conservative base".  So being asked to perform the marriage ceremony of campaign staffers who are Republicans is a betrayal of the conservative base?

President Trump has had nothing but positive remarks regarding Riggleman and in fact placed him as a Co-Chair for his re-election campaign in Virginia as well as on the Covid-19 China Task Force. Trump stated:

“Congressman Riggleman is a true CONSERVATIVE leader who has done a great job for Virginia and will support our #MAGA Agenda. He defends our right to bear arms, protect our Borders & help small businesses. Denver has my Total Endorsement!” 

Jerry Falwell Jr., President of Liberty University and Bob Good's former boss stated this regarding Riggleman:

“I am proud to offer my endorsement of Congressman Denver Riggleman for re-election in the 5th District of Virginia.... Denver has been a champion for our conservative values in Congress and I respect his commitment to liberty-minded ideals.” 

Good recently made remarks that were both alarming and revealing. The contingent like Diana and Chris Shores that back Good have a myopic view of the party just like Bob Good who was quoted stating:

"We are going all-in to win this nomination and the General Election in November to make this seat bright red for Republicans in 2020."

"Bright red"? 

The VA5 seat is already controlled by Republicans. The notion that a nomination and victory by Good in November implies that the district would be "bright red" as compared to the district today with Riggleman at the helm. Of course this is simply yet another smear by the far right extremists that believe their belief systems are "brighter" red than other Republicans who in their view have little conservative virtue.

Following Governor Northam's Executive Orders that impacted GOP primaries and conventions, the Virginia 5th was forced to potentially explore other options relating to nominating a candidate. However, due to a 2019 amendment to the Republican Party Plan it has become increasing difficult to change or alter a nomination method once said method has been publicized. District Committees across Virginia are trying to figure out alternative methods but frankly their hands are tied. The party membership at large appears unwilling to accept mail in or online voting by delegates which leaves only "in person" or "drive thru" primary or convention voting.

Rep. Riggleman (R) attempted to offer a solution given the pandemic crisis and sought to examine whether the voting method could be changed from convention to primary given the orders that the Commonwealth are under in terms of social distancing. Supporters of the Good campaign quickly targeted any delegate who would consider such a change or vote in support of such a change by issuing a threat of legal action to the tune of fifty thousand dollars per delegate that would support any change from convention to primary method.

Kurt Lofquist, Campaign Manager for Denver Riggleman in response to actions taken by the Good campaign surrogates stated:

“This lawsuit is targeting committee members with the express purpose of influencing their vote.” said Lofquist. “The Congressman is appalled and disgusted the Bob Good campaign would allow one of their most ardent supporters to single out committee members in a lawsuit.”

The other issue of course that must be examined is the continuation of district committees working against the interest of the Virginia GOP and working to replace members of Congress with seats held by the very Republican officials these committees should be supporting. Instead many on these committees are working diligently to undermine elected Republicans and have them replaced with individuals they have privately worked behind the scenes to move forward. There are claims that some of these members are being paid by challengers to the incumbents to screw favor on the committees. How does any of this align with the Republican Party Plan?

                        ( Chris Shores, middle and Diana Shores, right)

In the Virginia 5th you have people like minister Melvin Adams and Chris Shores both leaders on the 5th Congressional District Committee encouraging challenges to existing Republican leaders and many claim working in support of challengers to existing Republican official in office. Are these committee members being compensated by these challengers? No one has forgetton the political disaster that is Texan transplant Cynthia Dunbar after relocating to Virginia following her unsuccessful bid in the Texas 22nd Congressional District who decided to not only run for Congress in the Virginia 6th in 2018 but also in the Virginia 5th in the same cycle. There may be a movie in there somewhere someday.

Supported by the Shores and Adams, many believed Dunbar would challenge Denver Riggleman (R)  or potentially Ben Cline (R) again even though there is little evidence she ever moved into the Virginia 5th in the first place before Bob Good was annoited as the challenger.

Diana Shores even had her Cumberland County Republican Committee vote no confidence on Riggleman simple for performing the wedding ceremony in an effort to undermine Riggleman and "shore" up support of the Bob Good campaign.

Both Chris and Diana Shores made a name for themselves back during the days of the Tea Party and now continue to support far, far right extreme candidates against fellow Republicans they have deemed unworthy. Candidates like Cynthia Dunbar who claimed "Gold told her to run for the Sixth" yet after losing ran in the Virginia 5th as well. Melvin Adams who last year was asked by many to resign his position as Chair of the Virginia 5th District Committee as a result of his unacceptable remarks targeting members of the LGBQT community. Young Republicans on college campus spought his resignation in 2019.

Republicans like Elliot Harding resigned as Young Republican representative to the VA5 District Committee after Melvin Adams refused to resign his position after his outlandish comments. Harding's resignation was a shot fired that sounded the alarm that those like Adams were alienating young college conservatives who do not share in such bigoted and hateful belief systems. Melvin Adams on facebook months later regarding what he and the Shores perceived as an unacceptable "gay wedding ceremony" stated this:
The retaliation has been swift by the religious authoritarians who took offense to the Young Republicans challenging "elders" on the committees resulting in ultimately a proposal to limit the YR's participation at the State Central Committee level.  This was a coordinated and targeted retaliation by the Conservative Fellowhip to seek to amend the Republican Party Plan this summer to reduce the voices on that committee. Once again illustrating an effort to exclude voices. Excluding voices that oppose their nefarious activities and agendas.

Melvin Adams went on the record after Riggleman officiated the wedding and declared that "his" ( not the people of the 5th mind you) committee does “not accept the Supreme Court’s redefinition of marriage and we urge its reversal, whether through judicial reconsideration or a constitutional amendment returning control over marriage to the states.”

This continues to be the religious social conservatives fight. Arguing settled social issues that the majority of Virginians and Americans have little interest in fighting and have moved  in exactly the opposite direction from.

It is clear this new movement within the far, far right wing religious wing is attempting to reconfigure or reshape the Republican Party of Virginia in a manner that fails to reflect the traditions of the Republican Creed. Many are seeing this for the first time and raising questions not only in the VA5 and VA6 but with regard to the State Senator Amanda Chase (R) campaign for Governor  as well. Chase has aligned with the individuals mentioned above. Chase's positions on conversion therapy ,anti discrimmination bills and her opposition to gay marriage align with Melvin Adams and the statements being made by those opposing Denver Riggleman (R) in VA5. Chase failed to defend Riggleman as well. Many recall Chase supporting the Tina Freitas challenge to State Senator Emmett Hanger in 2019 and recently Chase has endorsed Nick Freitas in the Virginia Seventh Congressional District.   See Chase group here:(https://www.facebook.com/groups/999287823791649/)

The assault upon the traditions of the Republican Party has not gone unnoticed by many affiliated auxillaries and groups aligned with the Republican Party of Virginia. A strong rebuke regarding the actions of the extremists was delivered here:

There is an apparent coordination between the elements seeking to undermine the RPV from within the VA5 and VA6. John Massoud, Vice Chair of the Virginia 6th District Congressional Committee appears to have aligned with those in the VA5 attempting to work against his own Congressman in Ben Cline (R) who defeated Cynthia Dunbar in a primary in 2018 and go on to win his election to Congress. Cline replaced Congressman Bob Goodlatte (R) who retired from Congress. John Massoud recently has targeted Jennifer M. Brown who Chairs the Virginia 6th District Committee in large part because Brown has been a huge obstacle in the face of Massoud and others preventing them from undermining the elected Congressional and Legislative Virginia Republicans from the district. Massoud blamed the Republican Party of Virginia in recent  press release for:

  1. Not running candidates in each Legislative District – something which also occurred repeatedly in the 6th Congressional District.  
  2. Not running one ad against a sitting Governor and Attorney General who wore blackface, and a sitting Lt. Governor who has had credible allegations of sexual assault made against him.
  3. Voter lists are so out of date that they often show known Democrats as being hardcore Republicans.
Of course none of these issues are primarily the Republican Party of Virginia's fault. It is left to people like Massoud and the local committees to identify prospective candidates for the legislature for open seats or those seats held by the Democratic Party and other offices and not the RPV specifically. To cast shadow on the RPV for what is the responsibility of others in an attempt to convince Republicans to support him for Chairman is rather disconcerting. 

John Massoud like Adams seeks to transform the party into a religious crusade that will alienate a majority of Virginians. There appears to be more of a lust for power with Massoud, Adams, Dunbar and the Shores than any attempt to move the Republican Party forward in winning elections. Otherwise, why work so hard to undermine Denver Riggleman (R) in VA5 or even Ben Cline (VA6)? Could it be because Massoud like those on the VA5 committee are Never Trumpers themselves in truth and were Ted Cruz supporters. Cynthia Dunbar for example was State Co-Chair for Ted Cruz for President in 2016. Cruz mustered only 16.9% of the primary vote in 2016  behind both Trump and Rubio who both doubled Cruz's support in Virginia.

These individuals represent a clear and present danger to the Republican Party of Virginia and seek to implement their own agenda and litmus tests in terms of membership not only for committee but delegates to conventions.  These individuals need to be watched closely with the role they play in delegate review given their clear bias against incumbents that are Republicans supported by Trump.

If these individuals have been found to have violated the Republican Party Plan with acitivites they have enaged in they should be removed from any committee and its activities moving forward immediately. Many have called for the removal of Melvin Adams in the VA5  but it is up to the delegates  in the VA5 to undertake that end.

Denver Riggleman (R) may not be their guy but he certainly the leader for the majority of Republicans in the Virginia Fifth District and has little problem highlighting and defending his conservative rating/record in Congress to anyone in the district. Riggleman has already exposed the hypocrisy and level of corruption of many in the VA5. 

"I have always pledged on running a campaign of integrity and transparency. That's why I have attached the FEC filings so you can judge for yourself on this matter. Both the committee members on Bob Goods payroll have voted on key decisions during this nomination process and have been put on special committees by the Chairman. One of these paid committee members even had their wife appointed to a special State Central Committee panel to decide the nomination process during the COVID crisis" (Denver Riggleman)

Defend the Republican Party of Virginia now from this imminent danger and threat from within and ensure that the Committee Chairs remain in the hands of competent leaders like Jennifer M. Brown in the VA6 that sole purpose is winning and moving the Republican Party of Virginia forward.




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