Tuesday, April 14, 2020

The Not-So Silent Fight for the Soul of the Virginia GOP


The Republican Party of Virginia has always been a coalition of forces keeping the Party together sharing a majority of common interests. The coalition has historically been comprised of Virginians that lean center-right, fiscal Conservative and Libertarian as well as the social Conservatives that typically are characterized as the "far right".

There has been a concerted effort by elements of the Republican Party to fight for control of the Party voice for almost a decade if not longer. For almost thirty years, the Republican Party kept a balance that existed between all this elements but over the last two years divisions have formed. One such division has been carefully orchestrated by State Senator Amanda Freeman Chase (R-11) from Chesterfield County.

Over the last year, Senator Chase has determined to fight a two front war. One front against the Virginia Democrats who are moving Virginia in a very progressive direction and a second front against the Republican Party itself. Chase has been using the Second Amendment 2A Sanctuary Movement in an attempt to broaden her appeal from her social conservative base. Chase began wearing her firearm to the Assembly and anoited herself as a champion of the Second Amendment. Chase has not garnered as much recognition from the Virginia 2A community as Delegate Nick Freitas from Culpeper County has in Congressional campaign in the Virginia Seventh District.

Delegate Nick Freitas  ran for Republican nomination for United State Senate in 2018 but lost narrowly in the Republican primary to Corey Stewart. I was clear from the outset that the low turnout of the primary in 2018 would come back to haunt the Virginia GOP as Stewart had little traction in earning any votes from the middle or independents. All those votes went to Senator Tim Kaine (D). Freitas would have had broader appeal to the Virginia electorate and many believe that if he is unsuccessful at the Seventh District nominating convention that Nick Freitas should run for Governor in 2021.
A Freitas run for Governor would have him in effect running for the Republican nomination against a Corey Stewart-style candidate  again with little to no messaging other than division. Senator Chase is the only declared Republican candidate thus far for the Governor's race and she has patterned her campaign thus far after Corey Stewart's 2018 failed campaign.

There have been some draft measures to attempt to get other GOP offcials to consider a run for the nomination. Former Congresswoman Barbara Comstock and State Senator Jill Vogel are two that many Republicans appear willing to support as well.

An examination of the Senator Chase official facebook page demonstrates that she is determined to not only make her campaign about defeating Northam's proposals but also defeat her own Party. Chase determined in November to leave the State Republican Caucus in the Virginia General Assembly and late summer of last year her own county committee removed her. The Chesterfield County Republican Committee (CCRC) removed Chase for violating the rules governing membership.

Chase wears these things as a kind of "badge of honor" and calls them "principled" positions but Chase fails to realize that governing is about coalitions and bringing people together. Chase has failed to demonstrate an ability to compromise even with the Republican Leadership in Richmond. Chase a waged an all out war on her colleagues in the Virginia Senate failing to seek any common ground or working relationships.

In every instance last session in the General Assembly, Senator Chase drove a wedge between herself and other Republicans who may have voted opposite of her "principles". Chase managed to actually endorse discrimination in Virginia not only in the workplace but with regard to housing, public accommodation but also access to credit.

Think of the message that sends to Virginians. Chase's "principled" positions are based solely on her faith based belief systems. Many have called her actions in support of her faith as mere "proselytizing" thus alienating those whom do not share the same belief systems as her. Chase's facebook page smacks of the very same things that undermined Corey Stewart and Chase has refused to be a calming voice when individuals call for "lynchings" of the opposition or more of the same xenophobic tropes that merely move voters further left.
Chase has determined to fight this two front battle with very little financial resources according to VPAP. She has raised less than ten thousand dollars according to people close to the campaign after declaring for the Governor's face in late January. Elected officials cannot raise money while the Assembly is in session so the next quarter should demonstrate a better gauge on where the Chase campaign truly is.

Virginia Republicans have their eyes on this November and understand the importance of ensuring a Trump re-election as long as taking back some of the Congressional seats lost in 2018. Republicans can only accomplish that if they remain united and not divided by the petty divisions that are driving the Party today. Chase clearly wants to define herself as a "Conservative" and not a "Republican" if her facebook page is any indication of what is ahead.

Senate Leadership had no desire to support Chase in 2019 during her campaign and there appears little appetite within the Republican Caucus to support an Amanda Freeman Chase nomination. Many in the Republican Party understand there is a battle being waged today and while it is not for votes it is assuredly for the soul of the Virginia Republican Party.

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