Friday, November 13, 2020

The Counter Narrative: Bearing Drift's D.J. McGuire's "Heart is Twisted"


Recently, Bearing Drift published some commentary from D.J McGuire who serves as a senior contributor on the staff that everyone should take a few minutes and read. It is ironic that the very people calling for national unity and healing are the very people that very well may have divided our nation in the first place. I recall so many times as a youth where my mom would always tell me its better to walk away from bullies given they only seek attention.

The left in America could never "walk away" from Trump. Not once.

The truth is the American political left created Donald Trump not the Republican Party. Much of the animosity towards Trump on full display for the last four years was derived from him simply running as a Republican in the first with the audacity of challenging the left's beloved Hillary Clinton. Before that of course the left had little issue whatsoever with Trump and in fact was a regular at liberal events and even big donor events for the Democrats.

Once Trump became President there was a determined effort of revisionism by the media.

Trump recently stated at a rally going into the 2020 Election that it was the mismanagement of the prior administration that led him to run for the nomination of the Republican Party in 2016. In short, the Democratic Party created Trump. McGuire, a regular contributor with Bearing Drift as well as frequent guest with Chris Saxman's pre-election zoom calls online with Bearing Drift contributors routinely makes outlandish claims even so far as going after Saxman. Chris Saxman is the Executive Director of the respected non-partisan and non-profit Virginia Free who also hosts a radio show and radiocast daily from 5pm to 6pm Monday thru Friday on WJFN 100.5.

For starters, D.J. McGuire laughed at the prospect of Trump winning the nomination in 2016 let alone winning the Presidency. From the jump, McGuire was not about to provide Trump with a reasonable chance of legitimacy and over the course of the last four years has done nothing more than rail against Trump at every turn. Of course this is much to be expected from those experiencing the anguish of the failed Clinton campaign. However, lately McGuire has turned most of his attention away from Trump and upon Trump supporters.

The above submission recently at the Bearing Drift by D.J. McGuire reminded me of the movie "Last of the Mohicans". In it there is a moment where Hawkeye played by , adopted son of Chingachgook of the Mohicans states to Chief Sachem regarding the actions of the warrior Mauga the following:

"Would the Huron make his Alqonquin brothers foolish with brandy and steal his lands to sell them for gold to the white man? Would Huron have greed for more land than a man can use? Would Huron fool Seneca into taking all the furs of all the animals of the forest for beads and strong whiskey? Those are the ways of the Yengeese and the Francais traders and their masters in Europe infected with the sickness of greed. Magua's heart is twisted. He would make himself into what twisted him"

D.J McGuire is Magua

In this context "greed" can easily be replaced today with "power". 

McGuire claims to have been a Republican until "primary voters" went a different direction than he  anticipated and nominated Trump. Understand and recognize the time pertaining to this realization for McGuire and his core rejection of Trump. At the "moment" that the GOP nominated Trump, McGuire no longer considered himself a Republican. McGuire did not wait until election day or even after the first 180 days of a Trump presidency rather he took all his toys and joined the left and spent four years piling on Trump right along with the media.The nation followed along with the repeated and unrelenting attacks on the President yet the attackers never took any pause to recognize that they to share in the growing divide being created in our nation. By never accepting the legitimacy of Trump's victory, it was their hearts "twisted". Having  a flawed candidate and failed campaign they would refuse to accept the legitimacy of Trump. McGuire and others could never  accept the reality that Clinton was defeated.

Now we see the exact same fruit on the right with Trump supporters who may deny the legitimacy of the election of Vice President Joe Biden. Only this time there are real concerns with our election process. Will it overturn the outcome? Probably not but regardless there are real concerns with the "Dominion" suite software, poll observers and ballot inspections. And while McGuire would prefer to ignore the fact that the Pennsylvania courts acted without authority whatsoever under the Constitution, it is clear that many of the measures enacted by the courts and the Secretary of State in Pennsylvania will be ruled unconstitutional actions that in truth worked to disenfranchise the vote of legally authorized citizens through permitting illegal votes in accordance with established Pennsylvania law. While the outcome may not be impacted should not the legal process continue in a Republic when the Constitution is violated? As an American, can D.J. McGuire really dismiss these violations to our founding documents simply out of tribalism or some hate towards Trump and his supporters.

And make no mistake. This piece in the Bearing Drift is hateful and in truth "anti-American" ion its face.

McGuire in his attack on Trump supporters has "anti-American" and his contention that Republicans no longer believe in democracy fails to recognize that ensuring fair elections in in fact standing up for democracy. McGuire has voiced little opposition to a party in Virginia that repeatedly trounces the Constitution or seeks to undermine law and order within our Commonwealth. For example, the Virginia Democrats have sought to end the mandatory reporting of sexual assault on school premises by school officials to local law enforcement, want to send social workers to homes where women have reported domestic violence---no longer do Democrats want to send police to intervene when a man commits assault upon his wife or girlfriend in clear violation of the law--or no longer will it result in jail time for assaulting a police officer let alone a felony. In short, violent criminals can keep their right to vote avoiding felony prosecutions for assault having them all brought down to misdemeanors for the purpose of votes not public safety.

This is not Trump making our communities unsafe. Its Virginia Democrats. Democrats that D.J. McGuire clearly supports. McGuire asserts that somehow Trump has been a "god-send" to those countries in the world that oppose democracy and its been the Republicans that have weakened the standing of America in the world however this could not be further from the truth. McGuire rejected Trump in 2016 over "actual policies" advocated during the nomination process and yet many of those policies have worked to the benefit of the American people and America;'s standing in the world. McGuire like the leftists in the media all but ignore the fact no one even mentions Iraq, Afghanistan or Syria anymore let alone the progress made in the Middle East in terms of peace accords between Israel and Arab nations. McGuire does not recognize that we no longer are talking about ISIS or confrontation with North Korea like during the last administration waning days. McGuire implies that it is far better to use "soft powers" rather than demand that NATO allies pay their fair share in defending their own continent or the very fact that the next President of the United States while Vice President demanded a "quid pro quo" on television in a room full of reporters that have suddenly succumb to amnesia while attempting to pin unverifiable assertions of a Russian "hoax" on the Trump administration.

This is the level of intellectual dishonesty that exists when  your heart gets twisted. 

It becomes twisted with tribalism. Right now President-elect Biden has not been certified by a single state in the Union and yet his team is contacting foreign powers with not so much as a by your leave from anyone. The very thing the leftist media destroyed General Michael Flynn and his family over doing in 2016 during Trump's transition. The media is out praising the Biden team for reaching out to foreign leaders and the election has not even been certified yet nor has there been a concession yet its McGuire's assertion its the Republicans who do not respect democracy and are authoritarian. The Democrats have repeatedly used the courts to legislate or at the very least as a sword against any measure the legitimate government attempted to employ and used the fourth estate (media) as cover. McGuire claims its the Republicans that are the "fifth column" or the "enemy from within" whereas the truth is it is the media and the establishment (swamp) that are the enablers and the true fifth column in America.

McGuire like so often is completely wrong in his assessment in large part because it is purely an emotion-based opinion void of true objectivity of fact. That would be par the course for most of the media these days, however McGuire takes it entirely too far when he asserts such characterizations regarding supporters of Trump. 71 million Americans went to the polls, cast absentee or mail in ballots for President Trump and any notion that somehow D.J. McGuire has the finger on the heartbeat of 71 million supporters is rather absurd if not arrogant. 

Is it somehow "anti-American" that 71 million Americans want to keep their jobs in America and not have them shipped out overseas again? (D.J. NAFTA was a disaster) That wanting to be able to assume the risks of their choosing and worship in their churches during the pandemic is "anti-American"? That desiring to the have a means of self defense with their rights not infringed is "anti-American"? That desiring to go to work and not be forced to stay at home due to emergency powers is "anti-American"?  That seeking integrity in their elections and desire for every legal vote be counted is "anti-American"?

No. What is truly "anti-American" is shredding our institutions over the false narratives of systematic racism and seeking to "pack the courts" or create as the "Squad" pronounced rolls of names of supporters of Trump from within the confines of the government service or private citizens opposing their agenda. One could argue that the very notion of the level of socialism that D.J. McGuire would accept is "anti-American".

How you know D.J McGuire's heart is truly twisted and the reality that he should reexamine his perceptions of Americanism is that he could never admit that Trump was "his"President. He denied himself that ability by permitting his heart to be twisted and in fact has become himself the very thing that has twisted it. Read his own words. Ask yourself what possible place could individuals find themselves to think so little of their fellow countrymen regardless of tribe.

In all likelihood Joe Biden will become the next American President. Upon certification of electors, Biden as a duly elected President will become an American President and as because I am an "American" he will become MY President regardless of whom supported him at the polls. I will honor MY President with that respect. A respect that D.J. McGuire and many of his colleagues on the left failed to provide President Donald J. Trump for four years.

Guest Contributor

Jonathan Scott

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